Can I paint straight balsa?


Just like the title says, can I paint balsa with say spray paint without damaging it too much? I'm not building a flyable plane so the strucural integrity doesn't matter too much.


Active member
Spray paint will not damage balsa. Might not get the finish you're looking for out of it though. Without treating it with something first it usually turns out a little hairy.


Huh, thought spray paint would've somehow damaged balsa like it does foam. I suppose the hairy things could be trimmed off, it's not going to be a part of the model closely scrutinized. Thanks for the reply!


Elite member
The paint won't hurt the wood other than sucking up the paint to the point that by the time you get a finish it weighs a ton. Way, way, way back I used clear dope with baby powder in it to make a sanding sealer. After filling and sanding a few times you get a really nice smooth surface.

Sig still makes a sanding sealer. LINK

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Like turbojoe said, a sanding sealer applied to the balsa before paint will really help you get a better finish. Apply the sealer, then sand lightly, then paint.

The baby powder is a good trick! I use that (thanks for the tip wilsonmann!) to get a really nice surface finish when glassing with Minwax Polycrylic.