Central MA Flying?


Junior Member

Long time Flite Test fan here, however I have not really flown myself that much. I have had a rcexplorer tricopter for several years however this has not been my main hobby. I recently picked up a sport cub and I have several DTFB scratch builds in various stages of progress.

I am looking to get more involved with flying RC, my other hobby has slowly taken a backseat to everyday life and I'm looking to fill that gap.

I live about 20 minutes south of Worcester and would be open to driving 45min to an hour to meet up and fly with some fellow flite test fans. Anyone in the area?


Hey FK,
I live in Uxbridge Ma. it's not too far from Webster. There is a great field here in Uxbridge. I can also introduce you to a bunch of members in the Mendon club.
I have built just about every FT plane there is and have been in the hobby for about 3 years.
Glad to see a post from our area.


HELP ! Our field is for sale.
We have a club field in Northbridge Ma. It's been an AMA field since the 1950s. Now it's for sale. Our club is very small with only about a dozen or so that fly.
Would anyone like to join? Or does anyone have any ideas? The land is 16.66 acres mostly wetlands. I don't think any of it is buildable. They are asking $105,000.00 for it. It would be a shame to let it go.
from the air.