Champ v Sport Cub


New member
I went with the SCS. Reason being is I liked the idea of having a plane to grow with. I will advise if I made the right decision sometime in the future.


Posted a thousand or more times
Keep the radian in mind next time you get a spare $90. Finding thermals with that little guy is great fun.


Senior Member
You made a wise choice:

Fpv option
Water floats
And the joy of a four channel. You can do a ton of mods in the future. Larger capacity battery 250 mah and so on. Just enjoy her take the time to learn it and you do just fine.

Keep in mind today's motor does not last forever


+1 UMX Radian

Keep the radian in mind next time you get a spare $90. Finding thermals with that little guy is great fun.

I have the SCS and you won't be disappointed, it just looks so good in the air.
If you fly with the floats do some waterproofing, I dipped the nose of mine and the rudder servo over-drove and locked up the receiver.
Also +1 on the UMX Radian. I flew mine at lunch today and twice I had to bail out of thermals that were turning my plane into a speck. Very cool!

The Alpine Ace

New member
CHAMP!! During Saturdays Combat at Flite Fest everyone was shouting "Champ!" Little champ made it to the very end. Nobody could out fly the little guy, it was hilarious! I know after seeing that little thing I want one

That WAS awesome, I was there. Everyone going for the one champ then the flying wing that missed and hit the ground... I was laughing pretty hard.

Anyways, back to the thread, I think the Sport Cub S would be a better choice because
1. you can fly it in slightly windier conditions, (both to add to flying opportunities and to teach how to fly in a breeze)
2. It has the capability to teach you more, ie the ailerons, different modes, etc.
3. It teaches you to not be afraid to fly bigger planes. I know the first time I flew a larger plane it scared me, just feeling the weight and hearing the loud motor, it does have an intimidation factor. Getting the sport cub will help with that. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you will... all the veterans remember their first big plane, it scared them for sure.
4. It gives you the opportunity (if you crash) to open up the plane and learn about electronics, servos, and motors, and how to switch them out. With the micros those are almost always compacted onto one circuit board and you just buy a new board if you crash bad. Learning about each component of a plane will help you with other purchases and builds later down the road.

I've had both, and I can assure you if you've already learned the basics of flight with the duet, then you're ready for the Sport Cub. The champ is more of a total beginners plane, once you know the basics of flight, the champ gets boring.

Wow, got a little carried away there, sorry.