Chop Cut Rebuild Front end repair.

Timmy P

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So yesterday a buddy and I were doing some dog fighting with streamers. I noticed my wings on my Cessna 180, were lookin a little rubbery. This plane got some rain on it at Flite Fest and was a little soft. So by the time the combat was over with I had a good deal of flex in wings. My buddy didnt think they would abruptly fold in half. So I bet him I could fold them my first try and dart it into our landing strip.. With the massive 2836 motor and 2200mah I went into a long full throttle dive. When I gave it full back stick not only did it fold.. I got the wing tips to high five! haha And it hit the ground like a missile. It was gnarly. And I missed the strip by about 30 feet. Whatever :/ So after that my Cessna needed some front end work. I had just put a a fresh tail on it because it got mangled from being damp and flipping over every time I landed at FF. With It having a fuselage I just spent time on, I had to fix the front end damage.

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I went cutting into the front fenders like I was Cooter Davenport lol

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I traced out small replacement fenders from my templates.

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With the new front clip installed

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Fresh hood installed and pinstripe finished with sharpie ..

I hope I can help salvage a few airframes from the garbage with my quick repair story. It took me just under 2 hours to make this major repair to my Cessna !80. I spent near that time just uploading the pics from my phone, and to write this post lol.