DX9 - Bugs, glitches, and other annoyances


Master Tinkerer
  1. Are the sticks supposed to turn where they meet the gimbal?
  2. Knob does not have physical middle bump
  3. The only momentary switch is hard to reach, raven harder to use as a trainer switch

Post things you have found annoying here!


Your ADD Care Bear
I just have to laugh. How much did you spend on the radio? Oh and are you a stick pitcher or all thumbs?


Monkey/Bear Poker
No bugs here, really like my DX9 and plan on keeping it for a very long time.

Surprised you are having issues. Have you taken it back to the hobby shop and asked if you can return it?


Senior Member
At first I thought this said 9x, and I'm thinking well duh, it's a $60 radio, you need to mod it. Then I was thinking the 9XR when I saw the trainer switch mentioned. But a DX9? Would not have expected that. Can you do pictures or video of what you mean?


Master Tinkerer
My dad got it just because he thought the 6i we got just wash't good enough, and we needed 2, one for each of us. :)
I can't remember how much..
BTW, I'm all thumbs! :D


Master Tinkerer
What i mean when i said that the sticks twist, is that if you tighten the stick length screw to much, the ENTIRE stick twists, and it doesn't feel like it's supposed to. It might be a safety feature so you don't tighten the sticks too much..


Your ADD Care Bear
  1. Are the sticks supposed to turn where they meet the gimbal?
  2. Knob does not have physical middle bump
  3. The only momentary switch is hard to reach, raven harder to use as a trainer switch

Post things you have found annoying here!

I'm all thumbs too... If the radio works, great. My spectrum radio sticks twist too. You should be able to set a sound to the center position of your knobs and I don't know what to say about the trainer switch... Is it too far forward or just in the way of other switches? Let me think on the the switch thing...


Master Tinkerer
Oh, the momentary button up on the left shoulder was what I meant. the "A" switch is good as a trainer switch if you have the over-ride enabled, since then you don't have to switch it back to get control.