ElectroHub Y6 - battery problem


Junior Member
Hello, I would like to ask how to fit the battery on rail system in y6 configuration. Is battery too big or do I have something wrong? Battery do not fit because propeller (10"). I can't find any pictures of it on website.

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Yep. I had the same problem. With the stock booms it's not possible to mount a battery longer than 170mm or so and still be balanced. For me, with a gimbal on the front, mine wouldn't balance without drilling out the slots on the battery plate and mounting it sideways as far back as possible.

I am going to be using longer arms (325mm cf from rcexplorer) to hopefully go back to the stock placement.

FT should probably update the kit with longer arms because as it is, very common 4-5000mAh batteries do not fit, and many common gimbals cannot balance even with everything adjusted to the extremes.


Junior Member
Thanks for the answers. I will buy longer booms than. I am little bit disappointed about that kit. This part was skipped in build video for reason i guess.