Finding a DSM2/DSMX receiver for my swappables.


have you seen my Champ?
Hey guys,
I need some help finding a DSM2/DSMX receiver for my power pod. I picked up a Spektrum DX5e off a guy in Rcgroups cheap ($35) before I really did any research into radio systems. The Spektrum Branded receivers are stupid expensive in my mind, I know the Rx is a very important part but a AR6100e costs more than everything in the airframe. I have not had any luck catching an OrangeRx 4 or 6 channel from HK in stock and I cannot find a place that sells LemonRx for less than $15 a piece.
If I had done a bit more research I might have saved a bit more cash and bought a HiTec or FrSky transmitter, and still might in the future. For now though, to get my planes in the air, I need a DSM2/DSMX receiver for less than the cost of my first born.

Any ideas?


I just ordered two new AR6100e on Amazon. It was like $37 total. Only drawback is the shipping info says it will get here around June 30th. Coming from china. Im afraid they might be knock offs but if they work I'll be ok with that for only $37.


have you seen my Champ?
I guess I forgot to mention my unwillingness to wait. I was hoping that someone knew of a source in the US. Although I guess in reality I could still be looking for a deal stateside in three weeks and a package from China could be at my door already. Hmmmmm......




Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Value hobby has some inexpensive unbranded 6ch DSM2 RX's shipped from Il for $8-$9. they're not bad . . . I've used a few without complaint.

Grayson Hobby had a low end Spektrum 6ch DSMX for $20 shipped from Ga . . . but not sure he still has them.


Builder Extraordinare
My orders from Lemon have been fairly swift. 1.5 weeks max. They work perfect. Why pay more for only a couple of days' quicker delivery. Weeks, sure. Days, no.


Buy the "orange" (615 or 620's) from HK , but only when in stock in USA warehouse, you'll get em in a few days!


Hi guys,

I just purchased a Spektrum DX6i and am now doing the research on the many compatible receivers, like the ones mentioned in this thread.

So I am wondering, does anyone have any range information on the orange, lemon, or any of the other stated "value" priced receivers?

I am looking to ensure, as I assume most of us would, that one of these receivers isnt simply a park flyer range only. In other words, do these
other receivers have the full range, or as close to it as possible, as the stock spektrum ar6200 for example?

