Orange receiver blinking light


New member
I am a new to the hobby and just learning to fly on a Mini Apprentice. My question is that I bought a new Ranger 1800 at an estate sale and put in an Orange dsm2 receiver that I did bind to the plan. When I get it up and running the receiver has a flashing red light now. It did not when I hooked it up for the first time. Everything seems to function properly on the plane. I don’t know if I dare fly it with the light blinking. I do have a fully charged battery on it. Sorry if this has been posted before but I did a quick search and did not find anything on it.
Thank you


...Everything seems to function properly on the plane...
It's always a good idea to do a range check on a new setup & after a crash.

Your Tx should have a range check mode, it's a low power setting. Walk 100 feet or so away from the plane & see if you still have a good response to stick movement. If the servos respond smoothly, without any jitter from the signal dropping out, you should be good to fly. Be sure to power off the Tx after the test, this will take it out of range check & return it to full power.


New member
I don’t know anything about calibrating an esc but I can try looking it up. I will try the range check mode to. There is a lot to learn in this hobby I am finding out. Thanks for the tips.


I don’t know anything about calibrating an esc...
Turn the Tx on, move the throttle to high. Plug in the plane, wait for a beep. When you get a beep, move the throttle to low, wait for a beep. When you get a beep, unplug the plane & turn off the Tx. Your calibrated.

You are showing the ESC what high & low throttle look like on your Tx.


New member
Turn the Tx on, move the throttle to high. Plug in the plane, wait for a beep. When you get a beep, move the throttle to low, wait for a beep. When you get a beep, unplug the plane & turn off the Tx. Your calibrated.

You are showing the ESC what high & low throttle look like on your Tx.
Thank you I will try it tomorrow!


New member
I had to move the receiver in the plane but I was able to range check it today at 120 ft. I did forget about calibrating the esc to the throttle which I can do still. Thanks again for the tips


Master member
A flashing light on an Orange (or Lemon) receiver usually means that at some point since it was last turned on it has lost the signal.
Most receivers now quickly reset themselves so a signal loss even in flight may not be a disaster but the flashing light indicate it has happened.
I presume the light stops flashing when you reconnect the battery. If it continues flashing as soon as you connect the battery then it does indicate there is something wrong. Just to be sure I would rebind the receiver to the transmitter.