First Balsa Kit to buy


I'm going to be taking the plunge and buying my first balsa kit in the next couple of weeks and am trying to determine which one. I'd like a pattern plane that is in the 3-5 foot wingspan realm. Must also be electric - no IC. I've narrowed it down to one of two based on comments in this section.

The first is the HK Big Stick

and the other is the Mountain Models Lucky Ace

My sense is that the Lucky Ace is the better way to go for a first time build based on the quality of the parts and instructions but the low price of the HK is enticing.

I'm curious, is the quality of the HK that much less that they would charge 1/3rd or is the Mountain Models one that much better. The price span seems way too large to be that simple and I sense I'm missing something obvious.

Anyway, thanks in advance for the help. As a novice builder the questions keep coming.

Joker 53150

Mmmmmmm, balsa.
Having built the Lucky ACE you are looking at as well as 3 or 4 of the cheap HK kits, I can say the ACE is ABSOLUTELY worth the extra cost for your first build.

The #1 goal for your first shot at balsa should be finishing it, not saving a few dollars. Yes, the MM kit will cost more, but you will save considerable time and frustration in building it, and this hobby is littered with unfinished balsa kits. There is no comparison in the quality of a kit like the ACE over one of the cheap kits. MM also includes higher quality accessories, like name brand wheels, pushrod connections, etc, plus they include a manual. Not just 2 pages of bad translations and poor pictures, but actual step-by-step instructions. If needed, there is a rabid fanbase of MM fans out there happy to answer any question you have.

One of the cool things with the ACE is that you can build the entire wing (except for the ailerons) before adding a single drop of glue. It's a 3D jigsaw puzzle that holds itself together perfectly with interlocking pieces. Once it's fully assembled you just drop in thin CA at each joint and it's ready for sanding.

My ACE currently has 135 flights on it for almost 18 hours of flight time, running a Park 450 off of 1300 and 1500mAh 3 cell packs. Rolling take-offs on a paved runway or hand-launching at grass fields, it handles it all easily.

After you build an "easy" kit or two like the ACE you'll be much more ready for the adventure found in a Chinese kit. They're cheap for a reason, and I'm sure I'll build them again in the future! Check out my build threads on the Red Swan, Sun Bird, the DLG, or the Cessna 182 from Hobby King and you'll get an idea of what to expect with these kits, they're "interesting". Don't let the lure of cheap prices sway you right off the bat! :)
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I whole heartedly agree with Joker! I've seen too many get discouraged with RC over poor quality kits and bad experiences. The quality is worth the extra.

Best of luck!


Thanks, guys. I figured this was the case but wanted to be sure before taking the dive.

See ya in the thread!


i might also suggest the Sig "Four Star" series. Ive built many of these as well as the MM Ace. Cant go wrong with either one of these kits. Happy building!