Hi there,
i am trying to flash my KK2 Mini with the latest Steveis version but its not working yet. I am not sure if i plugin the connector in the right direction. I searched on the internet on how the update connector of the board is labeled but couldn find any information.
I am using a regular USBASP Stick (http://www.amazon.de/Programmierer-...&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00)
Can someone help me with this issue?
i am trying to flash my KK2 Mini with the latest Steveis version but its not working yet. I am not sure if i plugin the connector in the right direction. I searched on the internet on how the update connector of the board is labeled but couldn find any information.
I am using a regular USBASP Stick (http://www.amazon.de/Programmierer-...&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00)
Can someone help me with this issue?