Flite Test is Awesome and Just Getting Started


Junior Member
This is prolly a very stupid question but bare with me. I was looking at the power pod plans and the red lines are supposed to be cut 50% through. How would you go about doing that? Are you cutting with a razor blade btw? Am terrible with construction (better with electronics though ;)) and would love a detailed video of how to build the swappables (the FT vid doesn't seem to be detailed enough for me). I bet I'm missing something obvious. I'm currently building my first quadcopter (just joined the hobby) but I'm interested in airplanes as well and figured the swappables to be a good introduction.


Dedicated foam bender
It's not necessary to be exactly 50%, since you are only going to cut and then bend the foamboard there. It just means to not cut the paper on the opposite side...


Dedicated foam bender
Best thing to do is to take a scrap piece of foam and do a light pass with a fresh blade. Try to bend the foam board. If it bends and the foam snaps, leaving just the backside paper as a hinge you are cutting deep enough. If it doesn't snap easily, make another light pass until it does. If you cut the backside paper you are cutting too deep. Even then all is not lost as a bit of tape over the cut through will save the day. These builds are made to be forgiving and fun. Don't stress over it too much, just have fun and enjoy yourself!


Junior Member
Best thing to do is to take a scrap piece of foam and do a light pass with a fresh blade. Try to bend the foam board. If it bends and the foam snaps, leaving just the backside paper as a hinge you are cutting deep enough. If it doesn't snap easily, make another light pass until it does. If you cut the backside paper you are cutting too deep. Even then all is not lost as a bit of tape over the cut through will save the day. These builds are made to be forgiving and fun. Don't stress over it too much, just have fun and enjoy yourself!

Really appreciate your answer, thanks!


Junior Member
Didn't want to start a new thread but nonetheless share my results this evening. I was looking for foam board here in Sweden and it wasn't that easy. Finally found an online store selling foam boards but the shipping rates was a bit over the top. Later I found out this online shop had a physical shop just three blocks from where I work and I was happy again.

Anyway, I took a small piece of foam board and experimented a bit, just as you told. Then went on applying the power pod plans onto the foam board. And here's the result after cutting it. Pretty satisfied since it's my first encounter with foam board.
I don't have a glue gun yet so I've paused the construction for a moment.


Junior Member
Will do. I drew the firewall in Sketchup and had it printed with my neighbors 3D printer. Next up is cutting the FT Flyer details while waiting for the electronics to arrive.


I was in the same boat as you guys when I stumbled upon the FT site. I flew 20 or so years ago but never a powered plane, just gliders and that was pretty limited. I bought the 3 pack and built the FT Flyer first about 3 weeks ago and have been flying the heck out of it. I do have the Nutball built but I'm just having too much fun with the FT Flyer so I haven't tried the Nutball yet. On my first flight, I had a CG problem and broke a prop. Fixed the CG issue and the prop and I was airborne and flying....wow, either this thing is really easy to fly or I'm actually pretty good.. ;). On my second flight ever, I mounted a small camera on it (under $20 on eBay) and now I record all my flights. I'm now pushing the FT Flyer pretty hard and probably have 20-25 flights on it with no real mishaps and doing some pretty cool aerobatics. I just cut some ailerons into it tonight and I'm going to see how they work in the morning. I also am playing with a gyro on it for stabilization in the wind but fly with it off 90% of the time. Great plane, great fun...

Having a great time!



Junior Member
We chose the FT Delta for our first go at the swappable series. First foam board build, actually. Haven't built a plane since the balsa kit days 15 years ago (Eagle 2, Tiger 2, anyone?).
Tons of fun to build. Lots of fun to fly. We put the recommended Suppo on it. Wow. Lots of motor for such small plane. So, yes, Flite Test is awesome and we are just getting (re)-started!

Ron B

Posted a thousand or more times
welcome to the forum.
the flyer can be a lot of fun and when ready to go 4 ch just add ailerons.


Junior Member
welcome to the forum.
the flyer can be a lot of fun and when ready to go 4 ch just add ailerons.

Thanks Ron B. I'm rounding up my brother and his boys into the hobby, too. My hope is to get a few people soloing, to then have some combat with the Bloody Wonder set up...
We'll be starting his boys on the Nutball and Flyer.


Senior Member
Don't worry too much about it, my tail was very crooked (like 15 degrees or so) and it flew fine with some linkage adjustments.

Agreed, my planes are not perfectly straight by any means. The only issue with my planes flight (after some adjustment) is me... lol