Funny! I've been participating on the FAA thread. It's tame compared to most other places. 😳
As for the other stuff. Heck, I'm a low budget guy. I love HK and BG. And as for Transmitters, I'm a weird guy. I use a DX6I (still), a Devo 7 and..........wait for it......two Futabas that ate 72MHZ. 😂
I like budget. I also dig classic stuff which is why I enjoy my two 72 radios.
I'm ok with budget, but I also am learning that sometimes, you need to spend more to get something reliable. I'd rather buy 6 Emax servos at $30 than buy 10 off-brand servos that nobody's heard of before at $25, only to have some not work out of the box, and have others semi-function (say, they've got a spot where it binds because it's got a bad gear, or they brown out on a 2A BEC, or some other weird thing).
And it doesn't matter WHAT transmitter you have, it'll be a "Ford Vs. Chevy" or "Apple Vs. Android" argument. LOL Personally, I think you pick what works best for YOU, and you know the pros and cons (like customer support, having instructions in English, 6, 8, 9 channels or more, ease of configuration, etc.) of what you're buying.
And funny you mention the Futabas - I have an old Futaba 72 mhz receiver that came out of a Gentle Lady glider that was gifted to me that's probably at least twice as big as any of my Spektrum receivers.