Thanks for making the additional models (Arrow and Mini Speedster)! Is the yaw/roll coupling really that strong in real life? It feels more like flying with aileron than rudder.
Thanks for making the additional models (Arrow and Mini Speedster)! Is the yaw/roll coupling really that strong in real life? It feels more like flying with aileron than rudder.
I fly two variants in the sim, one's the one I uploaded, which I've meant to be to practise controlling a plane with really high throws. At around 20% less rates on the aileron and rudder, I find it flies almost exactly as it feels in real life. Try it out, let me know if you still feel the coupling's too strong.
I fly two variants in the sim, one's the one I uploaded, which I've meant to be to practise controlling a plane with really high throws. At around 20% less rates on the aileron and rudder, I find it flies almost exactly as it feels in real life. Try it out, let me know if you still feel the coupling's too strong.
Since I haven't flown it in real life I really can't tell if the coupling is too strong. It is really fun to fly with the high throws (as uploaded) though
@tanmaychhatbar I just flew all of your planes this morning, and they're great, but what I especially loved was the FT Arrow. I have flown another FT Arrow I've downloaded and it gets really squirrely for some reason and yours doesn't. I've built 4 or 5 Arrows (including one last week) and I have to say your model is spot on in the simulator. I'm actually going to email my Dad and encourage him to download it as well because he wasn't up to flying the Arrow last week, but maybe a little sim time will give him enough confidence to take the controls of this little guy I threw together just for him to bash up.
@tanmaychhatbar I totally agree with the posters above. Both the Arrow and the Edge are a ton of fun as well. if it is possible to make requests I just watched videos of FT Viggen (starting with this one) and it would be great to try it in RealFlight before building
@Earthchill Aah the Viggen! I am really interested in importing it as well! I can't dedicate alot of time to these projects though. So I wouldn't hold my breath for an import any time soon. It's on the list though!
Hi all. I'm looking into getting a new plane in Real Flight 9, but I'm clueless on how to proceed. I have the 3D model in solidworks but I'm guessing I have to somehow convert to RFX and that's pretty much all I know so far. Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated.
Hi all. I'm looking into getting a new plane in Real Flight 9, but I'm clueless on how to proceed. I have the 3D model in solidworks but I'm guessing I have to somehow convert to RFX and that's pretty much all I know so far. Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated.
Hey Bernardo! You will need to use a 3d modelling software (I use blender) for most of the conversion process. Export the model from solidworks as an stl. Import it into whatever software you're using. Atleast for RF7, you'll need to reduce the number of polys, separate parts that you want to see break off, texture all parts, set parents, set names as shown on KEMax tutorial webpage, and then export as fbx(I'm not sure, but I think RF9 allows import of fbx).
Hey Bernardo! You will need to use a 3d modelling software (I use blender) for most of the conversion process. Export the model from solidworks as an stl. Import it into whatever software you're using. Atleast for RF7, you'll need to reduce the number of polys, separate parts that you want to see break off, texture all parts, set parents, set names as shown on KEMax tutorial webpage, and then export as fbx(I'm not sure, but I think RF9 allows import of fbx).
Hi all. Just tried adding FT planes to my Realflight 7,5 but i dont have and anything to open RFX files, can anyone recommend an app/download to fix this, Thanks !
Hi I click the download button on say the Arrow, it opened the dropbox Page and download then i get this ..... This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this action.
I guess my question is.... ive found a few sites where i download something that will open RFX files but im wondering if anyones got any recommendation.
You need to just download the .rfx files to your pc regardless of if there is an app associated with it. Don't click on the files you downloaded. You import them from in RealFlight. No additional app needed.