FPV Questions


New member
Hello! I just had a couple of questions about potentially starting with FPV. After looking at some video systems, I was wondering if I need a radio license to use them or if there are some exceptions. In case I do need one, for some of the bnf or rtf quads, would it be possible to use them without powering up the vtx until I have time to take a class for the license? On the other hand, I was thinking about maybe building a gremlin without any video system for the time being, and I was wondering what kind of setup or programming would be involved with the flight controller.


Wake up! Time to fly!
FPV requires a HAM license at the technician level or higher to legally operate. However there are FCC certified vtx out in the wild that run at 25mw which amounts to like 5 to 7 mw radiated and have limited frequencies that are like the "CB" radio of the FPV world.

That all said many people fly without the certification at their own risk. I would guess ( and I am not suggesting you do or dont do this) if you are not in a densely populated area you could get away with running a whoop style quad at 25 mw with minimal risk until you get HAM certified. The choice to take the risk is your own. The test is not hard its just getting to take one with the whole covid thing going on right now.

Set up is pretty simple for basics. and there are a bajillion videos on how to do it. Joshua Bardwell is a great resource to learn from as is Painless360 both have channels on You tube. I am also in the process of an indepth write up for how I set up flight controllers for quads now and will be posting the last part in the next day or so.



New member
Thank you so much for the help! I will take a look at some of the certified vtx systems, and maybe sign up for a class just to be safe in case of a future upgrade. Thank you also for the youtube suggestions, and I will definitely take a look at your article when it is posted. Just curious if you know, for something like the Tinyhawk Freestyle BNF, can the camera be disabled or remain turned off for line of sight flying. Thank you again for the quick response!


Wake up! Time to fly!
I just did a quick glance at the Tinyhawk Freestyle on some of the sale pages. From there I saw they come with a locked VTX meaning they are power and frequency locked so as long as you don't manually unlock them it technically "Should" fall into that Ok to use category? The Caveat is they state on the website that HAM is required for use. So again its unclear if the low power mode falls into that FCC certified thing..

To be legal dont fly with it powered up. Hard part is stock vtx is hard wired into the mother board and requires solder work to disable. Reality.. with it still locked and only for back yard / indoor flight practice you should have no issues with interfering with other transmitted signals to make anyone complain which is usually how people get into trouble with the FCC. By staying on the locked setup you are making a reasonable effort to not disturb others until you get your HAM certification so... again the choice is yours.


Master member
I'm guessing the regulations referred to here are from the FAA? I don't remember reading anything about radio certifications for FPV hardware in the CAA regs. As far as I know CAA (for UK and NZ) just insist that when flying FPV you have someone else present to be your LOS spotter.


Legendary member
I'm guessing the regulations referred to here are from the FAA? I don't remember reading anything about radio certifications for FPV hardware in the CAA regs. As far as I know CAA (for UK and NZ) just insist that when flying FPV you have someone else present to be your LOS spotter.
UK regs state that max allowed power for 5.8Ghz is 25mw regardless of ham licence