FPV with multirotors


I've had an FPV setup for a while on my large DSLR totin' camera plane and have a setup that can go on my tricopter. I have only used them to setup shots and usually have someone else monitoring to help me line up shots. I have tried flying via FPV but I just can't commit to flying by screen....especially on the tricopter.

I am thinking it's easier on a plane because you are moving faster. On my tricopter I don't normally fly fast and I find myself drifting all over the place and just get lost and confused. Is there an easy way to get the hang of the multirotor FPV. I don't have googles. Just a 7" LCD.

I have thought you just have to get googles and it will come easier cause you are immersed and have to commit. I know another problem is not having a spotter around most times I am out flying.

Any suggestions from the experienced people. I don't have googles and can't afford them at the moment so it's a 7" monitor. My system is a 900mhz setup with stock antennas. I have no desire to go long range....just cruising around the flying field.