Got to make it last!
I couldn't be happier with this build so far! On release day (Monday) I must've refreshed my browser over a hundred times waiting for the Flitetest video to be released, and on one of my anxious clicks I noticed a new ad banner with a pic of Mr. Bixlers twin engined beauty! Clickity Click Click Click! I had ordered mine before even noticing the bonus of the FPV pod and flaperons
I got my package on Saturday and didn't even open the box that day... I fondled it. hehe.
On Sunday I built my power pods and took some extra time soldering up my Y-harnesses... and then opened the box. USPS did their level best to crush the contents, and my kit did have some unfortunate wrinkles, but I could absolutely care less! The value isn't in the foam - it's in the care these guys put into their designs and videos.
I warmed up my glue gun after work yesterday, and very quickly found myself getting worried that I'd finish the build too fast! I mean, the wing was done and off to the side extremely quickly, and at the point that I had the turtle deck on the fuse I began to realize my 'fun building time' was going to end all too soon.
Fortunately for me, an episode of Game of Thrones on DVR pulled me away, and a business trip to Florida has halted my progress until next weekend. Until then - my project is still in that great stage of anticipations and dreams of paint schemes.
Here it sits... loving every minute of it!