I am just finishing up my EDF Retro Rocket build, and I haven’t ever used an FT Aura Lite before now. I want all of the goodies including the air brakes. My question is, how do I wire the Aura? I have the 4 servo leads, plus the ESC. I have already programmed the Aura with the EDf Retro Rocket profile, I’m just not positive on the wiring. Also, I have the pocket radio master, I am somewhat familiar with programming an Open TX transmitter, but what buttons do I need to bind to which channel etc.? I saw in a video that the momentary button is used for air brakes, and I assume I’d bind a 3 position for the gyro functions. The wing build video says there would be another video for the Aura setup, but I don’t believe that it has been released (or I can’t find it). Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
I am just finishing up my EDF Retro Rocket build, and I haven’t ever used an FT Aura Lite before now. I want all of the goodies including the air brakes. My question is, how do I wire the Aura? I have the 4 servo leads, plus the ESC. I have already programmed the Aura with the EDf Retro Rocket profile, I’m just not positive on the wiring. Also, I have the pocket radio master, I am somewhat familiar with programming an Open TX transmitter, but what buttons do I need to bind to which channel etc.? I saw in a video that the momentary button is used for air brakes, and I assume I’d bind a 3 position for the gyro functions. The wing build video says there would be another video for the Aura setup, but I don’t believe that it has been released (or I can’t find it). Any help would be greatly appreciated!!