FT simple Stick Flapperons or slotted flaps? help


Active member

Getting back into airplanes and picked up a SBK of the simple stick. I want something aerobatic but that i can also sort of treat like a bush plane. it'll have big wheels and floats for winter. I want to work on grass landings etc.

My question, are flapperons enough? I was thinking 40% slotted flaps and 60% ailerons



Elite member
I prefer flaparons over flaps & ailerons every time.

Why? Any reason beyond fewer servos? I still haven’t found a plane where I’m happy with flaperons. I guess I don’t know how to trim them because they cause the handling to get really screwy.


Why? Any reason beyond fewer servos? I still haven’t found a plane where I’m happy with flaperons. I guess I don’t know how to trim them because they cause the handling to get really screwy.
Fewer servos, fewer wires, fewer connections when removing the wing. Full length ailerons are easier to setup.

If they are causing handling issues, they are too aggressive. With full length ailerons, you don't nearly as much down flaps to be effective.

FYI. Never setup flaparons unless you have full length ailerons. They will cause a terrible tip stall.


Elite member
Fewer servos, fewer wires, fewer connections when removing the wing. Full length ailerons are easier to setup.

If they are causing handling issues, they are too aggressive. With full length ailerons, you don't nearly as much down flaps to be effective.

FYI. Never setup flaparons unless you have full length ailerons. They will cause a terrible tip stall.
Hm, I was doing moderately aggressive perhaps. You’re right that at half flaps it handles fine. It just didn’t seem to slow down that much. I had a Storch with independent flaps and when I got those, the plane would dramatically slow down. I guess it could be other differences in the plane itself though. Hm, I’ll play with it some more. Thanks!

L Edge

Master member
It really depends on the design of the airplane. Then you got to do trial and error to find the sweet spot of the flaperons. Notice they added endplates to wing and tail to control tip stalls. It does acrobatics and handles gusty winds rather well. Built my own version using my stabilizers. Again, build light and it will fly right.



... I’ll play with it some more. Thanks!
Yes, to start with I set my flaperons up on a dial plus a switch. I play with them for a few batteries. When I find the sweet spot, I'll code it into the switch.
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