I put mine up for her first three flights this morning. The first and third flights were flown using 3S 850 mAh batteries, with the Matecam 808 mounted at the back of the wing to offset the additional weight, while the second flight was flown using the specified 2S 800 mAh battery. With the 2S battery, she balances almost perfectly level at the specified CG point from the plans. With the 3S batteries and the Matecam, she balances just a bit nose down. I'm flying mine 4 channel, and she's among the easiest landing planes I've flown. The nylon zip-tie tail skid worked great, and while ground steering with the rudder isn't as precise or responsive as a steerable tail wheel, she was manageable. On 2S, she was not able to pull a smooth vertical loop from level flight, but rather flopped over backwards before hitting achieving full inverted flight at the top, making more of a teardrop shaped loop. On 3S, she pulled a smooth, circular loop from level flight. Roll rate with my ailerons is decent. She's not a 3D stunt plane, but she'll handle some simple aerobatics. I didn't attempt inverted flight.
On the maiden flight portion of the video, I cut out most of the eastbound portions of the flight, as the sun was low enough to pretty much wash out the view on the camera. The takeoff and landing portions show what I mean pretty clearly.
The only issue I had during the flight, was that the checkerboard tape on the tail starting peeling back. I've secured it with some clear tape folded over the leading edge.