FT Versa Wing electronics


New member
Alright, here's the deal.
I am making the Versa Wing as my first scratch built plane and I am making it out of 6mm Depron board (that thing better be tough, they had nothing thinner at the shop besides 2mm)

I have it cut out basically, but I am thinking, what electronics do I use?

I want a pusher. That's why I am making a flying wing in the first place. I was thinking of getting something like an EMAX GT2215 with a 8x4.5 prop, but I would buy some cheap ones just to test different sizes and pitches, number of blades etc.
The motor specs say I should use a 10x4.7 or similar prop without gearing, but if I upped the pitch or number of blades, it should be good?
How wrong am I about that?

Secondly, I know that I should be buying from a hobby shop, but the nearest one is over 150 Km away from me, so it's either good enough quality parts from a hobby store's e-shop or cheapo stuff from Aliexpress.com (basically china) which I could use to just experiment around and then settle on some better gear. Like seriously, 19$ for 3 Spektrum compatible receivers? Instead of 60€ for one? That's a helluva price jump.

The only transmitter I have is a Spektrum DXe (I have the USB programmer cable and the app on my phone but it is SO ATROCIOUS! It doesn't work properly, the names of my models are switched with the ones on the app itself EG.: New Model instead of Apprentice S15 e. As a computer technician I have NO IDEA how that got through to the play store)

What do I use to strengthen the frame? I have barbecue skewers, but they aren't long enough to go the 1/3 of the wingspan, do I join them up somehow? With glue maybe?
Also, is there any laminate I wouldn't have to travel over 150 Km to get? Something maybe readily available? I saw somebody using some transparent decorative packaging material, the ones used on gifts (however why they are transparent is unknown to me, kind of defeats the purpose...)

I have read and seen that I should balance the weight of the motor either with a big battery in the front or some kind of weight. Since my Apprentice S15 e uses a 3S 3200 mAh battery, I would like to get some that are compatible with that one. Maybe I could fit 2 of them in parallel there? Or would that be just plain too much?

What batteries do you prefer to use? When I hold that 3S 3200 mAh battery in my hand, it feels big and sturdy, like a proper battery should be in my opinion. Do you think that it would be sensible of someone to standardize on a battery and maybe put 2 or 3 in parallel if more power/amperage are required? Or should I just scrap that idea and get different sizes or batteries?

Thank you for any and all suggestions you can give me!
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