I do, in fact, know Avro is a Canadian company
. They made the Arrow prototype and the Avro Car. I've looked at Cold War Jets enough to know mostly what's from where. I am submitting the balsa model from Outerzone, but since I'm adapting this to foam and prop in slot, I'm really going sort of freestyle here. The Outerzone one goes a straight triangle delta, which is super simplified. The original Vulcan wing has a little too much compound looking stuff going on at the front for me to trust it without an airfoil and more experience in aerodynamics. My shape is a compromise in between. Some people do profile, others do a nice molded EDF with all the bells and whistles. My simple box fuselage with a couple curves is also a good compromise. I'll post pics and catch up to speed on the build process, I already have the air frame somewhat far along.