Any updates?
What doesn't look right? the plan view or the side wing profile?
The reason for not looking right might be the lack of a vertical stabilizer, any plane just looks plane () wrong without one, although that does look pretty cool .
does this help?
I'm very glad to help you out if I can. Regarding Build-ruary, As has been stated by myself and others. The goal orlf the challenge is to give is a kick in the butt, early enough to get a jump of flying season (unless you are in the southern hemisphere.)Wow, thanks for that, ... I will do some more work tonight using the images you shared and maybe have a better build plan for this weekend. btw sorry I never finished the builduary contest. I have been quite busy and the plans for the planes I was building are still on my desk.
Quick question, Since you can buy gyros for RC airplanes is there any way that I could combine a gyro and yaw thrust vectoring control to fly this without a tail? Just an idea.
I see you have settled for a single 64 EDF. Secondly, how are you going to handle the yaw situation?
So, my sense is fighting yaw will be a problem you still need to solve. Secondly, if you try 2 64's, then you will have to build larger, weight goes up, and pretty soon it will take 70's to push itand the problem starts all over.
Found "Rocket Sled" in the attic to show that a single 70 EDF with thrust vectoring only and a gyro on rudder did not work. Did you know that without rudder, NASA states your drag is reduced by approximately 1/3!!!
With the throttle full open, it did way over 100mph. Problem was that starting any turns (tried both left and right) or fast or slow, I got into trouble. It would only fly straight, so got it back by doing a split S . Was at a grass sod field that was huge. Going for it up real high in air, ended up destroying 1 70EDF and battery. Second attempt made it back with a nose crunch, gave up. Too expensive.
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@JTarmstr Interesting plane! Just found this and looking forward to the first flight. In the past, I made a few deltas with extreme wing sweep, for example this one:
View attachment 126180
This and my experience with the Lippisch P13a (check my profile pic) showed me that these deltas have their CG very much at the front. Maybe your EDF is too far back, you should better check it before you cover everything up.
If you want, I could cut the vertical stabs away from this thing. Swept wings are usually yaw stable, check the Horten 9 for example, it didnt have vertical surfaces and flew severel times before one engine failed. The FT Arrow can also fly without vertical surfaces.
My prototype has a big surface in front of the CG, that might make it unstable, but there is also super much wing area bihind the CG.
Modern fighter planes or stealth planes are build aerodynamicly unstable, because that helps with stealth and makes them more maneuverable. But there is no reason why an RC plane cant fly. Im going to try without vstabs and Im going to tell you how it went.
I hope this helps you a little and good luck with building/flying!