FTFC20: Build-ruary by Mayan (Build Skill: 4, Pilot SKill: 3 Novice)


Legendary member
Alright so here is the list of planes that I hope to build for this challenge. During the challenge you'll be able to track my progress through this link: Build Ruary Progress Tracker, along side following posts in this thread. Later each reserved post will be edited with a review of the plane, the build progress, and flying exprience, along side a maiden video :). If I win which I hope I do I would like to give my prize to a forum member not sure which one yet, will probably run a poll about it.

Let's go get started :).
  1. Hawker Hurricane by @mach1 rc
  2. Racer
  3. LongEZ
  4. Bloody Baron
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Legendary member
FT-Build-Ruary: Hawk Hurricane designed by @mach1 rc Build by @mayan

Build Rating: build-challenging.jpg
Fly Rating: fly-hard.jpg

Plans: I have a problem linking to them because @mach1 rc hasn't publicly posted them at least not that I know of so I rather get his approval to post them before I do. @Randomkid87 could you please ask him if I can post them?

The reason why I choose to build this plane and make it the first on my list is because @mach1 rc asked if I could test out his design, and I happily agreed to help and give him my feedback.

The build itself is not complicated but does include quite a bit of work with poster board so if you don't feel comfortable with poster board masking I recommend you get some practice working with that. I did have some issues with the tail boom either because of a mistake I did or because the plans need some fine tuning but a part from that everything else went along just fine. Unlike the original design I made the wings removable by copying the technique used on the Spitfire. My guess for the estimated build time on this build is 6 hours, working without long breaks. More about the build process can be found on later posts.

I'll give this build an overall build rating of challenging just because the plans are not a 100% fine tuned and thus requires a bit of thinking and working around problems, however once the plans will be finalized this plane will easily fall into the moderate build level category.

The first few moments of the maiden were cut out of the video as my flying was sketchy and the plane needed some trimming, once I dialed it in she flew great. The model does require speed to stay air born and stable, it can slow down but only so much before it will stall on you. One thing that I noticed is that the model will want to wing stall on you on tight turns so be aware of that and prepared to deal with it. I do have an idea of how to fix that and I believe that copying the poster board wing tip trick like in the FT Racer should solve the problem or at least help with that. I am rating the flying of this model as hard because of the wing stalls that will cause a less exprienced pilot crash.

Overall to sum up my exprience with this model I will say that this is not a plane for a new builder or pilot but is defenatly a fun plane for the more exprienced.
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Legendary member
FT-Build-Ruary: FT Racer Build by @mayan


Build Rating: build-straight_forward.jpg
Fly Rating: fly-hard.jpg

Plans: https://forum.flitetest.com/index.php?resources/ft-racer.57/

I choose to build this model because ever since I joined the Flite Test family the awesome paint job that the FT team did on theirs made me jealous, regardless the model looked like a fast slick bird that I felt that I must have in my fleet and now I do :).

The build is very straight forward, and comes together quite nice without any complications in the process. This build like the Hawk Hurricane also uses quite a bit of poster board, which like mentioned in the past is something that requires some practice to get prefect. Having said that this is one of the builds which I was the most pleased of. I am a bit disappointed with the paint job though and feel like it's missing something but can't put my finger on what, and too lazy and bummed out about it to actually try figure it out. I built it stock, but when I do build it again there is one thing I would do different and that is put the tail servos in the fuselage. The reason is because this model was hard to balance and seemed tail heavy thus moving the tail servos closer to the CG would help balance the plane. I didn't make the wings removable because I was aiming for speed and on the FT video they explained that this is the reason why unlike the Spitfire this model doesn't have removable wings. I still might try the removable wing mod because it would make it easier for me to store aside the model instead of having it sit on my computer table in the work room.

This model tracks like an arrow and will do anything you tell it to do, but it does require speed to achieve that and stay stable. The plane is slippery, fast and manoeuvrable but unlike the Hawk Hurricane doesn't seem to wing stall as easy which I think is is related to the poster board pieces that are glued to the wing tips on this model. The model can only slow down so much before it will stall on you so just beware of that. This is definitely a fun bird to fly and is highly recommended to those looking for speed. In terms of aerobatics completely capable of everything but not 3D manoeuvres. The wide fuselage of the bird also to put in a big battery like a 4S to achieve even more speed. Most of my flying was done on a low rates 70% deflection and 30% expo and was enough to get the plane to do what I wanted. This is not a plane that I would recommend new pilots to try and fly because it does require experience with fast flying including fast landing. This is a plane that I would recommend one to try after he/she flew at least 5 different types of models successfully.

To sum up my experience this model can be fun for those who can handle the speed and have a big enough area to fly in because the plane does need a place to rip the sky exactly like in the Planes movie taking part in the "Wings around the Globe" air race :). This plane has won a place in my fleet, but next time will be built and painted a bit different :).

EDIT: If you'd like to get a lot of feedback about this build from other forum members as well, you can check out this group build: Slow And Steady Wins The Racer!!
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Legendary member
FT-Build-Ruary: FT Long EZ Build by @mayan

IMG-0008 2.jpg

Build Rating: build-straight_forward.jpg

Plans: https://forum.flitetest.com/index.php?resources/ft-longez.37/

I choose to build this model because one of the the things that I always wanted was to fly every possible model I can and thus gain as much flying experience as possible since I have never done a canard model before and had zero experience with such flying this was a good choice.

Building this model is pretty straight forward, although I wasn't happy with my end result; I guess I just built it when I was a bit too tired. The back part is a bit hard to achieve because the top and bottom piece need to sandwich a foam board piece in place, when I built it this piece moved and that left a gap in between the pieces. Forming the nose section was quite easy here, I can't really put my finger on why but I think it's related to the fact the the molding foam board piece is basically bent in half. I like the way the winglets connect on this model although they look like they won't be strong enough to with stand a crash. The things that bothered me with this model is again the inability to access the ESC, and here also the very little space inside the model to fit in the Rx and battery.



I don't really want to sum up my experience with this model because I didn't get the option to experience flying the model. I will come back to edit this post once I manage to get the model to fly and that is once I fix one of my MT 1806-2230kv motors or buy a new one.
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Legendary member
FT-Build-Ruary: FT Bloody Baron Build by @mayan


Build Rating: build-simple.jpg
Fly Rating: fly-simple.jpg

Plans: https://goo.gl/KoaCh3

I chose to build this model because of a lot of good things that I have been hearing about it from other forum members. One of the members that goes by the name of @Wildthing even made a smooth version of the bird and turned it into a "battle warbird terminating machine", you can read more about that here: Bloody Baron Going Smooth.

The build is made up of only a few pieces that come together very easily because of tabs and slots that help keep things lined up and squared. This model is easy to build and can easily be put together in 2-5 hours depending on your building experience and skill. This model uses a B/C pack motor but unlike other models using the same sized motor is considerably small and easy to store even without having removable wings. The fact that this model uses only 3 servos is also a plus and makes for a good model when you are starting to run low on servos. I did though have a problem with the ailerons and felt like the deflection rates on them was different so I played around with the servo arm until it looked right. I am also very happy with the paint job that I managed to achieve on the model even if the crosses are not centered properly.

This plane is very simple to fly if you have the basics of 4 channels down. It can fly very slow or fast and remain stable and manoeuvrable at all speeds expect for stall speed. The way the wings are built gives this model a lot of lift, giving it a somewhat floaty feeling. This planes very much suitable for both outdoor and indoor flying because of the ability to handle even low speeds. I have been using a B pack motor on mine and felt that when flying in high winds the plane would just hang in the sky, so I highly recommend a C pack motor on it which will give you more power and speed, while still having the ability to hang in the air when using less throttle. The plane is very capable of all aerobatics but can't preform any 3D manoeuvres.

To sum up my experience, This plane is highly recommended for combat, because it is easy and fast to build, is very manoeuvrable, has a durable airframe and can be setup with various power setups. This plane is suitable for pilots of all experience levels, so long as they have 4 channel flying down. Very fun plane to fly. Can be flown on lazy slow mode or fast flybys. Definitely going to have one laying around for combat :).
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FT-Build-Ruary: FT X-29 Build by @mayan
**DISCLAIMER: This model was half built before the challenge started**


Build Rating: build-challenging.jpg

Plans: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1oVzwqWwGZbcTBkUEYtWExHUWs/view

I choose to build this model because I have never done an EDF model before an this seemed like a good place to start, simply because from past experience with Andres Liu's designs they are just perfectly planned out.

Building this model as hard as it looks isn't hard to build and most of the build is actually quite straight forward and uses the basic FT building techniques. The part that I found to be the most difficult was making the poster board tube around the EDF and then fitting it into place. Since I don't have any experience with EDF's this model was stressful to build, and a lot of questions came up while I was building. The thing that made this model more complicated to build in my perspective is the fact that the electronics are not accessible after the model is built, so if you need to change a ESC to something stronger you have to cut into the model to get to it. I for example had a problem that the ESC that I secured to the fuselage wall got disconnected from the side and I just couldn't get to it to secure it back in place. Other than that this is a big model to build so make sure you have room to store it and a way to transport it to the field, is hard for me to transport and store. There is also a group build that we have going related to this model if your interested you can check it out here: X-29 Build - Swept forward in the fun.


The plane as of now isn't in flying condition and needs some repairs, to be able to fly again but it was put aside at the moment because I need to revisit this with more attention.

I don't really want to sum up my experience with this model because I didn't get the option to experience flying the model. I will come back to edit this post once I manage to get the model to fly. In the mean time I will say that this was a great experience so far that is still to be revisited in the near future.
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FT-Build-Ruary: FT-22 Build by @mayan



Build Rating: build-simple.jpg
Fly Rating: fly-easy.jpg

Plans: https://s3.amazonaws.com/plans.flitetest.com/stonekap/FT-22-plans.pdf

I decided to build this plane because I been hearing a lot of good things about it from @BATTLEAXE, he even has a thread about it, so you can read more about his experience and mods here: FT-22... On Steroids.

Building this model is easy. It consists of only a few pieces that come along together easily using tabs and slots that help keep things lined up. The awesome trick that was done on the model to hold the push rods from flexing is something that also gives the airframe some extra strength. Even forming the nose is easy because of the cavatiy that was put into the foam board piece that should mold into shape. Two things that I disliked in this model, the fact that the Rx and ESC are not easily accessiable, and that the firewall setup doesn't include a power pod and instead had a combo of a few plywood pieces that hook together. This firewall setup is super strong but is a pain in the butt to hand cut.

Flying this model is also very easy it's a simple bank and yank. I did however feel a little instabilty while flying the model but this could have easily been related to the strong winds that I had while flying. The plane itself slowed down really well allowing you to do nice slow flybys, but could also speed up really nice. Balacing it was also very easy, I balanced it using a 1000mah 3S battery, all the way back in the nose towards the motor. The one thing that I was missing and will add to the next one I build is some sort of rudder I think that would have changed the model completly tripling the fun I had flying it.

This sum up will be short and simple. An easy to build, fun to fly, first jet, that has room from modifications and improvements.
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FT-Build-Ruary: FT STEM Charlie Build by @mayan


Build Rating: build-moderate.jpg
Fly Rating: fly-simple.jpg

Plans: https://forum.flitetest.com/index.php?resources/ft-charlie-plans.35/

I choose to build this model because ever since I met Flite Test this model applied to me. It's not the only jet like looking model that FT has but it's one of the prettiest that they have that is until they release the new master series jets. It's also not the first time that I have built this model but never before was I able to get it to fly, so I was also eager to succeed this time around :).

In terms of build process, most of the build is pretty straight forward but since part of the build does require practice I rated the building of the model moderate. The part which I found that needs more practice forming is the nose section, and canopy hatch. These are not complicated to build but are hard to get to look prefect if your like me and have a perfectionism issue. I've built this model 2-3 time before so this time around the nose and canopy came out better and were easier to make too. I would highly recommend using painter tape to help hold the pieces together like they do in the master series videos, this will help hold things in place without moving while everything dries up. It will also help get this to fit more tightly together. There is a bit of aftermath that I done in the past considering I've given my hand at this model before that I should have put into this build but I didn't just because I was stupid, more about that later in the post. Also I highly recommend you check out this group build thread "ABC STEM Trifecta Group Build" which is dedicated to all these FT STEM prop n' slot type models, check it out to get more feedback from other members before you build your own, a lot of useful information there.

This was this first time I actually managed to get this model to fly, and that is just because in previous times that I have tried I didn't have enough power so make sure the plane wants to jump out of your hand when you throttle up before tossing it into the air. Flying this model is fairly simple it's a 3 channels bank and yank model. It's glide slope is great, it will flies smoothly at all speeds and is very stable making it a great model to fly for pilots of all levels. It is slim and small which makes it super easy to store even in a small closest as well as easy to transport to the field. I balanced it with a 3S 1300mah battery because I wanted a bit more power but could have easily balanced it with smaller batteries down to a 3S 800mah or even bigger batteries up to I assume a 3S 2200mah or an equivalent 4S battery of the same weight. I had a lot of fun flying this model until I attempted something which I can't even explain and crashed. The nose section broke exactly like in previous times I tried to fly this model and now looks like this and needs repairs.

IMG-0046 (1).jpg

Even though I didn't land the plane I think it is fairly simple just keep the plane leveled with a bit of up elevator, throttle off and let it glide pitching the nose up until you reach the ground.

To sum up my experience with this model. Very fun simple to fly plane, does take some time to build and has a weak point in the nose. Considering that the nose of the model is part of the fuselage makes it annoying if you crash and break it because it can't just be replaced without serious surgery. I would highly recommend using some sort of foam up spray in the nose to give it more durability something that I should have done with this build considering my past experience. I've always wanted a jet in my fleet and this is a easy to fly one that just looks absolutely stunning, so at least until the F-18 @Splinter189 is working on is released this is my go to jet plane :).
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Howard DGA-6 aka Mr. Mulligan Designed by @mayan Build by @mayan

**DISCLAIMER: This model was half built before the challenge started**


Build Rating: build-challenging.jpg
Fly Rating: fly-moderate.jpg

Plans: https://forum.flitetest.com/index.php?resources/howard-dga-6-aka-mr-mulligan.88/

I choose to rebuild part of this model because I wanted to test a few changes and how they would effect the flight characteristics of the plane as part of me trying to prefect out the design of this model.

Building this model is challenging and requires some previous building experience with the different techniques used by Flite Test including some of the master series techniques. However with that being said the pieces come together fairly easily with tabs and slots to help keep things lined up. Molding the foam board to shape the fuselage of the model as hard as it might look is also fairly easy because of formers that are used to help keep things nice and tight. The most difcult part of the build is forming and gluing in place the windshield and round front section of the nose. Other than that this model has plenty of room for electronics and can work with different sized servos, batteries, and motors.

** The video bellow is a maiden attempt of flying the model after rebuilding the wing with a higher wing cord, this maiden attempt was unsuccessful but I have flown this model successfully in the past so I'll link to the thread I have dedicated to the model. **

Here is a video of previous times that I have flown the model successfully, and a link to it's dedicated thread: FTFC20 Howard DGA-6 (Racing) designed by Mayan

Flying this model isn't hard for the most part, but the model still needs tweaking to be prefect and give a prefect flight experience. The most important thing to watch out for as of now with the model is the wing tip stalls that you might experience while trying to make a turn. I have done some design changes that helped reduce the amount of times that this is happening and the effect of it on the plane. Other than that this plane can slow down really nicely but also go quite fast as well as do all your basic aerobatics.

Summing up my expereince with this model a fun to fly plane, that will defenatily WOW everyone at the field. The model itself does need more tweaking to fly prefect and that will be my next project to wrap up, so if this review and plane did spark some interest please follow my dedicated thread about it.
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Legendary member
FT-Build-Ruary: FT Goblin Build by @mayan


Build Rating: build-moderate.jpg
Fly Rating: fly-hard.jpg

Plans: https://forum.flitetest.com/index.php?resources/ft-goblin-plans.24/

I choose to rebuild this model because the one I had was abused and overly repaired, so considering I had a great time flying this model in the past, I defiantly needed a new one. I actually had to take apart the old one, before I could build the new one because I was transferring over the electronics. This time though I decided to build the FPV nose as well for future use.

Building this model isn't hard but does require some experience with molding foam for the nose section, which is also the hardest part of the build. If you decided to build the FPV nose I highly recommend to mold it really slow because the hole for the camera makes molding this piece even so much harder. Another thing that I highly recommend to do during the build is re-enforce the piece onto which the nose cover connects too as it can and will rip right off after a couple hard crashes. To re-enforce it I would insert a strip of carbon fiber rod in between the main section and the side re-enforcers. Another thing that is a bit annoying with this model is the fact that you have to install your motor, ESC, and Rx during the build and later can't really access them without having to cut into the to get to them. If you want more tips, tricks, and feedbacks from other community members to help you with the build process do make sure to check out this group build thread: FT Goblin Group Build.

This plane is fast, and edgy which makes flying this model is hard and not recommended for beginner pilots. I have a hard time balancing it and always seem to feel like it's too nose heavy because on a power off glide test it's glide slope is very steep, adding full up elevator gentles the glide slope tremendously but doesn't seem right to me. Other than that this model can slow down to almost throttle off and still won't stall on you if you keep full up elevator allowing you to glide it forever making your flight time with this type of flying last more on each battery. This and the fact that this is a pusher makes this model also prefect for flying FPV which is the next big thing that I am going to try with this model. I have flown this model on a 3S battery and 4S battery and enjoyed both very much but must mention that once you go 4S on this baby a 3S battery will just feel to slow for you :).

To sum up my experience this is a fast fun to fly little plane that is suitable for FPV but is not for a beginner pilot because you do have to know how to handle the speed and sensitivity that the model has. Getting the balance on it is hard but play around with the battery a bit until you are happy with the flight experience and when you are just mark it down. I highly recommend to re-enforce the nose holder section because that tends to break after a few hard crashes, but if it does break is quite simple to repair with some hot glue, and duck tape. If you are ready for speed, want FPV, and can handle a sensitive plane this is a good choice for you.
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Legendary member
FT-Build-Ruary: FT Tiny Trainer Build by @mayan
**DISCLAIMER: This model was half built before the challenge started**


Build Rating: build-simple.jpg
Fly Rating: fly-easy.jpg

Plans: https://ftforumx2.s3.amazonaws.com/2019/01/208751_b19241977ac2bafa8ba96848e63eb59d.pdf

I choose to rebuild parts of this model because it's a great plane to have around no matter what your flying skill is. It's a plane that I use to train my son on and as of yesterday also a friend. I had to rebuild the wing after I folded it in mid air and the repair just seemed to make the plane too heavy to be fun to fly or act as a good trainer.


I didn't build the entire plane from zero for the challenge but from endless times of building this model in the past can say hands down that this is a very simple model to build. A model that an experienced builder can tackle in 1-2 hours and a less experienced one in about 2-4 hours. The plane doesn't conssist of many parts and everything in it can easily be fixed or replaced in case of a hard crash. For the challenge I took apart the broken sports wing that I had laying around and rebuilt it fresh. From past experience when you crash this model the rubber bands holding down the wing move towards the ailerons, which can make them rip off. To avoid this from happening I add a U shaped pushrod to the end of the wing the rubber bands then slide into that and thus don't move towards the ailerons any more on a crash.

Flying this model is very easy espically if you decided to go with the 3 channel versIon. Flying 4 channel though isn't much harder and is actually the way I recommend going if you have someone to buddy box with. The thing that makes this model so great is the fact that with a small battery (2S 800), small prop you can get a really slow flyer and a prefect trainer but on the other hand if you put in a larger battery (3S 1000) you'll get an amazing fun to fly fast little bird. I enjoy flying this model every time I take it out because it's easy to fly, and doesn't require much thought on my behalf any more.

To sum up, this is one of my favorite models by FT, it's the model that brought me into the hobby and taught me how to fly. It's a model that I use to train my son on too. This model is great because it can easily be repaired, or partly rebuilt on a hard crash, which will happen if you use this model to learn to fly. I highly recommed everyone builds one it's really a great model to have around.

EDIT: What makes this model even better is the amount of modifications that have already been made to it and the amount that can still be made. A list of some of the existing modifications can be found here: Tiny Trainer Modifications List.
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First post updated. Starting the Hawker Hurricane by @mach1 rc, who had to leave the forum for a while. I will still go aheaed and maiden his design as per his request :). I am missing what power pack he had in mind for it but I'm sure I'll figure it out. @Randomkid87 I know you and him are friends so please do show him pictures of posts from this thread that are least related to his design :), thanks in advance.


Well-known member
First post updated. Starting the Hawker Hurricane by @mach1 rc, who had to leave the forum for a while. I will still go aheaed and maiden his design as per his request :). I am missing what power pack he had in mind for it but I'm sure I'll figure it out. @Randomkid87 I know you and him are friends so please do show him pictures of posts from this thread that are least related to his design :), thanks in advance.
I’ll do that today or tomorrow


Legendary member
Starting off with a bang and here we are a few pictures of my progress on the Hawker Hurricane by @mach1 rc.





I pretty much finished the wings and started the fuselage. The wings came together ok although I would change the way the spars come together so that the process because similar to that of the FT Spitfire. Other thanks went prefect. As for the fuselage there at least one thing that I would address but more about that tomorrow when I have time to take more pictures.