I too would like to recommend something, but the RC model airplane world has changed so significantly in the last 10-15 years that books about the kind of flying we do now are hard to come by. Foam planes, electric power systems, transmitters, receivers, and small electronics have all changed significantly since the books I know were published. BUT, those older resources do have good information that will still apply.
Also, if there are specific portions of the hobby you are interested in, we can probably direct you to reading materials that relate to that.
It's kind-of hard to learn to fly from a page full of words so I don't know of many books that broach the topic. You will likely gain a lot more in that area from videos. Most of the books I know of talk mostly about the technical side of the hobby. For instance:
Keith Sparks' book "Building With Foam" is a must read if you want to start building more complex or large foam models.
"The Basics of R/C Model Aircraft Design." by Andy Lennon is a math-centric technical overview of designing planes. The author focuses primarily on balsa models, but the aerodynamics math applies to all models.
I think
http://www.airfieldmodels.com/index.html is a good resource for building. Again, the author focuses mostly on mid-sized balsa models but I think that mindset of building and flying is valuable if you want to dive deeper in that side of the hobby.