Solved Gyro Receiver for flysky fs i6x


Okay yeah, so that's the down side to having a gyro that requires PPM output because you can't use your auxiliary channels,(except for controlling mode of flight and duel rates ect.) my advice is to learn how to fly with it and then get off it so you can use your aux channels. The gyro comes with the connecting wire that you need! Here the link to the instruction manual, if its vague just ask and I can answer your questions and/or make you a step by step instructions! Nice thing with this gyro is you can turn it from stabilize mode to manual mode (where you don't get any gyro effects) so when you are first starting to try manual you can flip it to manual and then if you are starting to get into trouble flip it (using the switches on or your transmitter) back to stabilize and boom back to straight and level!
Have fun flying!!!
Thanks a lot. I downloaded the manual. I will read it later. Good to know about the switches, i was doing this with the volantex p51 400mm. Switching to manual mode while up in the air. Still couldnt get the feel to it tho. A read a lot of people saying that a bigger plane is much easier to control. So im planning to build a trainer with a gyro and it seems simple to build. Thanks a lot guys🫡👍

Houndpup Rc

Elite member

Thanks a lot. I downloaded the manual. I will read it later. Good to know about the switches, i was doing this with the volantex p51 400mm. Switching to manual mode while up in the air. Still couldnt get the feel to it tho. A read a lot of people saying that a bigger plane is much easier to control. So im planning to build a trainer with a gyro and it seems simple to build. Thanks a lot guys🫡👍
Sounds Good! Have fun!

Houndpup Rc

Elite member
Hello. Thanks. I look up at the tiny trainer online. Looks easy to build. I will give it a try, good thing too since i have foamboards left from my last build. Thanks again👍
Just so you know planes without ailerons are a lot harder to fly in the wind (at least I have found so) and I have never tried the gyro on a three channel. But i guess when you are learning to fly the key is not to fly in the wind:)

Mr Man

Elite member
Just so you know planes without ailerons are a lot harder to fly in the wind (at least I have found so) and I have never tried the gyro on a three channel. But i guess when you are learning to fly the key is not to fly in the wind:)
I've got a mini scout, and wind will just kill it.


Active member
Hello. I made a research and had a questions.
1. So the rud ail thr and ele goes into the byme, and the byme goes into the receiver?
2. And can i still use the other ch on the receivers for flops and stuff? *for future use
MB for the silly questions.
Yes, but by the time you get to that, you may not need the gyro anymore. Stick with the basics, and get good at flying - Rudder, Elevator, Ailerons, Throttle. As I recall, the Byme will let you set how much control you have, and how much the Gyro is "helping". Get to the point where, in a stiff wind, you only need a little help from the Gyro, then you're ready to move to bigger and better.

I'm trying to convince my son of this right now. :cool:

Mr Man

Elite member
Yes, but by the time you get to that, you may not need the gyro anymore. Stick with the basics, and get good at flying - Rudder, Elevator, Ailerons, Throttle. As I recall, the Byme will let you set how much control you have, and how much the Gyro is "helping". Get to the point where, in a stiff wind, you only need a little help from the Gyro, then you're ready to move to bigger and better.

I'm trying to convince my son of this right now. :cool:
Tell him to build VERY light. My first plane was the FT Mustang cause I built it light. Power Pack B equivalent, and a 650mah 3s all the way in the nose, and it'll float. But you may have to remove a bunch of paper to get there.

Houndpup Rc

Elite member
My brothers first successful plane was the FS Simple Scout and it flew beautifully with the gyro!........ That is when he got the control surfaces working the right direction when tipping the plane! :)
😮 😬 😲What's happening??!!!lol


Yes, but by the time you get to that, you may not need the gyro anymore. Stick with the basics, and get good at flying - Rudder, Elevator, Ailerons, Throttle. As I recall, the Byme will let you set how much control you have, and how much the Gyro is "helping". Get to the point where, in a stiff wind, you only need a little help from the Gyro, then you're ready to move to bigger and better.

I'm trying to convince my son of this right now. :cool:
Thanks. Im planning to build the tiny trainer. Just waiting for the materials👍😁