help with dxe needed


New member

just received a brand new spektrum dxe. I want to use it for my inductrix fpv.

I seem to have two issues with it

- i can not get it out of acro mode, i tried all the switches. my skill is not good enoug to fly without the stabilty mode.

- The inductrix oscilliate/ vibrate after a few seconds. when i use the supplied transmitter it does not.

any ideas?
thanks for the help guys.


New member
Great, will try that, been looking on there website too, could not find it.

Kind of weird they use the bind butten for the safe mode cycling.

Thank you!


Obsession, not hobby
You're welcome! I'm subscribed to that thread so I just searched it with the thread search feature. Sometimes I can't find what I need using their main search so I'll just use Google's site search tool instead. For example, type the following in Google or your browser's address bar:

Code: Flight Modes DXe Inductrix


Code: whatever you're searching for

It works for any site listed on Google. :)