Help with setting Flaperons delay on Aura 5 Lite


New member
I watched the Aura 5 Lite Flaperon setup, great video by Flitetest. I'm using a NX6 TX. Request assistance on how to setup a "slow" delay for the flaperons, using the Aura Config tool.

I've accomplished this in the past with TX settings. (Open TX) I know this can be accomplished on the TX if I was setting up flaperons on the NX TX. But my flaperons are setup on the Aura 5 not the TX. Thank You
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... how to setup a "slow" delay for the flaperons, using the Aura Config tool...
I don't know anything about the Aura but
I would think you could add the "slow delay" in your Tx, to the flap channel. This would still let the Aura do the mixing for the flaperon.
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