Hey! Feat FT Tiny Trainer FPV setup


New member
Hey! First time posting here :)

I got interested in the hobby a few months ago after watching FT videos, and have now built a few of the FT planes, kit and scratch. FT Mini Scout took a ton of crashes before I learned to keep a plane in the air :p

My favorites right now probably being the FT Flyer (scratch), HXT 24g 1300KV motor, 10x4.7 prop on 2S, as it's so slow and floaty, great to fly right from my yard.

And now the FT Tiny Trainer (kit), with sport wing and 600mW FPV kit installed, it can fly pretty fast, and even in windy conditions. I think it's kind of on it's limits, as even before the FPV kit I managed to bend the wing by doing hard pitch ups, so put two BBQ sticks as spars. I've been flying it on 1250mAh 3S, 1806 2300KV (A pack), which is pretty much on it's limit on a 6x4 prop, but definitely has a ton of power! 5x5 seems to be better in the wind. Also managed to strap a HD recording camera on, but I think at that point it was close to being overloaded... still flew OK though! Any ideas on what a recommended max weight for the Tiny Trainer would be? Though I know it's not really an ideal FPV platform :)


From the pic I've since got rid of the separate camera battery and added a Y power cable instead.


New member
Nice first post. Hard to know the weight limits on the foam baord stuff. Problem with FB is that is tends to deteriorate with loads and time and use. When you build a plane with fb it is pretty much disposable unlike balsa that last forever.


Well-known member
I don't think the TT was designed for too much extra weight. I had landing gear and a bomb drop I used with a parachute drop figure and it was get reaching it's limits as far as power goes. If your looking for something with more payload capabilities and want to do for, try the explorer with the c pack motor and a 2200 3s. Or the Simple Storch. Both have huge wings and the ability to carry much more gear. With what your talking about I'd say your reaching the limit of the TT with your set up. A bigger motor with 4s will help your carry more but your speed to stay aloft will have to increase as well. My FT Explorer with flaps engaged slows down to about a speed walk pace. But speeds right up when I want.
Long story short, think about building a bigger plane. I love my mustang and explorer and blunt nose. Hard to go back to the smaller ones.