HobbyKing TX to Computer TX

Well, not knowing where to put this I put it here.

I was wondering if anyone thought it was possible to upgrade a HobbyKin YX and make it a computer radio so you can change settings on the go. I have moderate micro chip programming skills (arduino, basic stamp, ect) but not a lot of money. I was wondering If I bought a cheap arduino offline and a cheap LCD screen if I could do it. Has anyone ever done something like this? Would anyone be interested in tackling this as I have only 1 TX and dot really have the money for another, along with not being able to find another for around $50 - $60 on eBay.

Just wondering


Amateur Extra Class K5TWM
Why not try a Fly Sky FS-CT6B. No screen but has an adapter to hook up to computer for programming. I picked one up on e-bay with PC interface adapter and receiver for about $30 a while back.

Why not try a Fly Sky FS-CT6B. No screen but has an adapter to hook up to computer for programming. I picked one up on e-bay with PC interface adapter and receiver for about $30 a while back.


The hobbyking one has that already. I'm looking to upgrade it though to on screen display and multiple model memory. I was wondering if anyone has done it before and how much it would cost to do.


Senior Member
Sounds like an awful lot of work. You wouldn't be able to 'modify' the original software, since the original source code won't be available. That means you would have to write the TX software from scratch, and you would have to reverse engineer the hardware. That would take maaany hours.

Considering how cheap an Orange T-Six or a Turnigy 9x is, I wouldn't bother. If you want to start modding, get a 9x or Taranis, and get into the whole OpenTX thing.
When I originally started looking into getting into RC I planned on getting a 9x but since then the price has jumped up nearly $20 and it cost like $15 to $20 to ship so the "shine has left the apple" so to speak as $100 is quite a lot of money at 16 and I don't fell like spending that much on a $25 airframe that includes electronics. I've bet on a few 9x's on eBay but always end up loosing by like a dollar so I've kinda given up. I started looking for the version 1 Model but no one seems to have one. Also, the ones that are out there usually have been modded to frsky and I don't want to put a minimum of a $20 receiver into my again $20 airframe, that just sounds stupid. I plan on getting into frsky a little later when I get into multurotors and actually start caring whether I crash or not (all my planes are pushers so nothing really happens when I crash, just a little crinckled foam) but that's for the info.

I have a post in the wanted/for sale section out for a used 9x that someone would $50 for but so far no luck. I don't even need a module in mine as I found the module on amazon for $20, though the price would need to be lowered a little in that case. I've even looked at some of the other 9x type tx's like the fly sky but they for some reason are more expensive. I know a guy that knows how to add channels to your TX for cheap so that's not an issues but I'm not going to pay $60 for a 6 channel radio when I could pay $80 for a 9 channel.



creator of virtual planes
I wanted to mod my Hobby King T6 Tx from a Mode 1 into a Mode 2, but that seems like too much work. I didn't want to risk ruining it just save $50 for a much better Tx. I did end up ruining my USB sim Tx trying to convert that from a Mode 2 to a Mode 1. (Bad soldering job.)
Yeah, I'm going to bring it up to my computer teacher tomorrow at school, but I'm starting to get a feeling that it just isn't worth it and I am either going to have to live with it the way it is or dish out the extra cash to upgrade.