Hi, I'm trying to setup a kk 2.1.5 for my tricopter, I'm also using a DX6i. I don't know what the best settings to fly would be. The throttle is rather touchy, it rises and falls easily. Should I use a throttle curve or would I need to change something on with the board? Also with a kk 2.1.5 do you setup dual rates and expo on the transmitter or the board and if so what is the best for getting started?
Jim, my first suggestion would be to flash the latest
Steveis firmware. Make sure to check out his PDF manual in that link and it will answer a ton of questions for you and give you guidance on all of the kk settings.
Make sure to calibrate your ESCs so that the board knows the min and max throws of your throttle
2. Double check that your props are off!
3. Make sure your multirotor is unplugged and turn your receiver on
4. Set your throttle on the receiver to full up
5. Plug in your multirotor and quickly hold button 1 and 4 on the KK board/programmer and continue to hold until this process is complete (the screen on the board should read something about throttle passthrough. If you don't see this, you did not hold the buttons fast enough and you will have to do this step until you see the message.)
6. You should hear a couple of beeps to confirm that max throttle has been set.
7. Move throttle to min bottom and you should hear a couple more beeps to confirm min thottle.
8. Let go of button 1 and 4
You are done.
That will probably fix your throttle issue.
Use stick scaling to set up how responsive you want the multi to be and then use the radio to set up your dual rate and expo. These cannot be set up through the board. I would start with about 40-50 on aileron and elevator scaling and i like more rudder so i would set that a little more than aileron and elevator if you are feeling froggy. I have my dual rates set to 100% and 75% with expo of 50 on both with stick scaling of 75. This gives a great feel on both auto level and acro. An expo of 30 would probably work better for the smaller stick scalings.
Also use the 'Receiver Test' screen on the board along with end point adjustment and sub trimming on the radio to completely trim the multi before you get it off of the ground. Let me know if you have questions about this and i will explain further.
If the props are balanced and you are on the latest firmware, your PI settings for both auto level and acro mode should be almost perfect with default settings. If not, check out that PDF for a basic idea of how to dial in PI settings.
If you have checked all of these boxes, you should have a nice dialed in multi. I am flying a tricopter on the KK 2.1 HC and have to do a couple of extra mix settings for the servo but after the steps above, she flies like a dream!
I hope this helps and good luck to you!
[EDIT: added some extra info about stick scaling, expo and dual rates]