Large, Modular UAV Design


Active member
I recently finished building a 3D printed plane to be used as an educational research testbed. I'm calling it the "Highly Modular Design -1" or HMD-1 for short. All files are open source and can be downloaded here: Let me know what y'all think!

I haven't flown it yet, but plan to soon


SSgt Duramax

Junior Member
Looks like my kind of thing. I thought about doing a modular design of mine (right now all that is modular is the nose)

Is it regular or lw pla? I know weight isn't a huge factor on UAVs, it is more aerodynamics.

I wasnt sure whether or not I was going to go the epp route or 3d printed with mine.


Active member
It's definitely hefty. I haven't weighed it yet, but I imagine it's about 8lbs with batteries and everything. I originally wanted to print it in ASA, but due to availability issues, I had to settle for ABS. All of the pieces are printed with single vertical shells, the wing pieces have 3% cubic infill, and the rest of the pieces have 2% cubic infill. The reason I didn't go for PLA or LW PLA is because ASA/ABS is a ton more durable and heat resistant.


New member
Hi, thank you for sharing this great design :) Could you please share some more information on the dimensions, max payload, ...? I like it, but to me (as non native EN speaker and non imperial unit experienced user) it's not so easy to understand how everything should fit together. To sad that there is no video which presents you build, it's definitly worth :)


New member
I recently finished building a 3D printed plane to be used as an educational research testbed. I'm calling it the "Highly Modular Design -1" or HMD-1 for short. All files are open source and can be downloaded here: Let me know what y'all think!

I haven't flown it yet, but plan to soon

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Hey, Just found this. Great work...what size motor did you use in the front?


New member
I have just tried to download the files on the Thinkverse site and got a 404 not found error, please could you kindly upload the files to the site or attach them to this posting if they are not too large


New member
I would appreciate if anyone who has downloaded the files for the HMD-1 would kindly share them, Power_Broker has clearly stated that they are open source and free for download.

It would be a great help to me. Thanks.


Cool plane! The designwork is really awesome! I was wondering what hinges you were using for your control surfaces, as I was thinking of maybe designing a 3d printed plane.