Mini Red Zephyr electric conversion


Now that I have a minute. So the first flight started with the heavier balloon type wheels. It flew just fine, but I could tell the CG could go back more. I landed and swapped to the smaller wheels which pushed the CG back to around 40%. With those it felt like it was right where it needed to be. Locked in, but slightly touchy on the controls compared to the other wheels. After a few minutes I killed the throttle and did a glide test. The glide is smooth and no surprises. I glided in for a long power off landing, and swapped batteries. With the CG good I used the second pack to work trim and get an idea of air time at cruise. Right under 9 minutes I landed at 11.1V which is a great time for mixed flying. All in all I'm very happy with how it turned out. On a windy day I'll try out the original wing.


Thank you:)
Later in the season I should have a couple other guys there with me, so I'll get one when I can. For now it's just me out there on days above 50 and sub 10mph wind.


Master member
I usually fly alone. You can put a phone holder on a headband or hat. I take lots of video of my airplanes flying that way. You'll look ridiculous but it works.