Old and Bold RC PILOT
Power Pod Mod will be done on another post! may complete it today for those interested.I saw that but it seemed to include only one wing side. Do you have the tail pieces? The power pod modification, etc?
I have not added the tail pieces yet but they are on my todo list.
The wing plan just needs to be mirrored for the other side and it needs to have spar locations, servo locations, and the spars themselves added. It is easier to do the additions on the single wing and then just copy and mirror the completed wing plan to get the other side wing!
Servo locations now done, on the original wing so they can be transferred to the plan, possibly tonight local time! Additionally the access hole in the wing centre underside for the servo leads has been done and tested so it can be added also.
Tail servo locations subject to user preference and balance requirements of course!
Subject to user requirements I may even consider adding a lengthened tail boom plan for those who cannot get their version to balance!
Still in progress of course but the fitting of the battery should be achieved today or tomorrow subject to time available!
Have fun!