Need help in troubleshooting Grumman G-44 Widgeon Seaplane


New member
I am new to the forum and need to trouble shoot the setting up of Seaplane Widgeon. I bought this plane a while back and was setting up over the weekend. All the connections went well, except, only one of the motors is working and the other motor has started beeping, but does not work when I give throttle. Just some reference... the wires from the two motors and their esc is coming together (as per design) and I added it to the throttle slot in the AR620 receiver. Does the motor + ESC need some kind of calibration? whats the best way to trouble shoot this? Appreciate the help !


Master member
So, to be clear, you have the power wires from each ESC y-ed together, and you have the control wires from each servo y-ed together and plugged into the throttle channel?
Do you have a picture of your setup to help us diagnose?


New member
Yes, thats correct ... here is the picture of the set up. 1 has the wire marked "A", 2 is "B" .....


New member
Update, I was finally able to fix it by following this video....
I had to recalibrate the exc with the throttle stick.