Here's how it turned out. Not perfect, but looks pretty good. Maiden was sad. You can see the roughed up wingtip in the picture of it hanging from my garage ceiling. Other than that and completely destroying the prop, it held together amazingly well considering what I did. You all know what happened. Tried to keep it straight on the runway, veered off sharp to the left and I tried to power out of it and use aileron to steer out of it instead of just powering down, which just made matters even worse. I need to learn rudder/throttle management on takeoff, instead of panicking and flooring it. My FMS 800mm Corsair behaves much the same way with me behind the sticks. I welcome advice from ya'll as I learn. I also have a Valiant and UMX Turbo Timber, both taildraggers, which are pretty much no problem handling on the runway. Perhaps I should save the warbirds for another day, but then how will I ever learn? I'm thinking a flight simulator may be the answer, but do the low-wing style taildragger models in something like RealFlight present the same challenge of propwash/P-factor on takeoff?