Lookin good! How are you gonna do the nacelles? Are the gonna have flat sides or be curved like the real one? How are you gonna mont the EDFs inside them?
Thanks for the ideas guys. I have a clear plan in my head of what/how I want to accomplish the design, so let's see if it all comes together or if I work myself in a corner. Haha.
I finished designing beta 1 of the speed wing and standard wing last night. I also got the hstab and vstab done. Originally I had expected to make the nnA-10 with rudder but I can't figure out a way to hide the servos well enough.
Anyone has any thoughts of how I can hide them while making both rudder surfaces functional?
Thanks for the ideas guys. I have a clear plan in my head of what/how I want to accomplish the design, so let's see if it all comes together or if I work myself in a corner. Haha.
I finished designing beta 1 of the speed wing and standard wing last night. I also got the hstab and vstab done. Originally I had expected to make the nnA-10 with rudder but I can't figure out a way to hide the servos well enough.
Anyone has any thoughts of how I can hide them while making both rudder surfaces functional?
Yeah that was my first idea, but it's not big enough. With a wing span of 40in the hstab is pretty thin. If I beefed it up it would look very out of proportion.
If you don't mind, would you send me a few shots of the mid section of that model? I'm having a hard time finding good angles of the motor mounts and fuse lines behind the wing.
My plan of attack was to stick it in the very back of the tail and just run the control arm out the tip of the tail. Either run it through a linkage stopper or z-bend it through the control arm and just keep it going from one rudder to the other with the servo in the middle.
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This picture only shows one side but you could Z-bend it through the control arm and go all the way to the other side with it. What I did in the model here was run the control rod to one side and run another between the two to synchronize it but that's unnecessary.
Sure, no problem. I'll take some pics tomorrow. Any other areas you want a picture of?
Nic check out mikeysrc.com he has a A10 with 64mm edfs. You might beable to work off of for the nacelles. And it flys great ive built one. Just a reference set of plans that might help
In case you haven't had a chance to look at mikey's a10. Here's the direct link with pdf plans included:
Good find, jayz 84.
Ya its a great flying plane but o think it could be design to look better.