Sometimes I feel like a poster boy for adult ADHD. Way too many hobbies, and they all get stalled at one point or another.
Realistically, I can't afford so many hobbies, either in time or money (or space, lol), but several of them tie into one another some way. I design and build 3D printers and other machines on similar principles, so I have a couple of CNC routers, a vinyl drag knife cutter and a couple of diode lasers (the CO2 tube laser is on the way from China.) 3 or 4 3D printers about the house, as well as a panel saw, table saw, jointer, and a lathe. I used to be very active building DIY video projectors and have some nice ones, though commercially available ones are cheaper nowadays.
I rebuilt my Supra engine from a bare block up, and have done most of the rest of the car. My previous Supra was built for IASCA sound competition. Sound quality, not DB drags. Sure wish I had the CNC machines back then, I'd be able to do some really cool stuff now.
I teach kendo several times per week, though because I'm teaching now, that's maybe less of a hobby, and more a job that I pay the club to do. I still love to do it though.
It took me over a year to get started with R/C again. I used to have planes back in the late 80s, when the motors were nitro powered and balsa frames were what there were. I knew people who had foam core wings, but not me. Crashing was expensive, and now thst I think about it, I never really did get good enough for a plane to last a month. Or maybe I just pushed the envelope of my skill (or lack thereof) too much.
I have R/C cars, too, though the ones I still have are relics of the past as well.
Most of my projects fall into the pattern of starting well enough, getting to the "light at the end of the tunnel" stage and then getting shelved for long periods of time. Either that or the last stages get rushed to just get finished.
Either way, I put the "Pro" in procrastination, but for my hobbies, that is just fine. When I do them, I enjoy them.