prop adapter


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member

What prop adaptor are you using? (and glue on the shaft will likely cause more problems than it cures)


New member
what motor and prop adapter are you using? if we know what you are using we might have suggestions of how to make it work correctly.

BTW superglue on the shaft probably won't work and will cause issues if you get any in the bearing.

Edit: Dan you beat me to it


Senior Member
I use the suppo 2208 and these prop adaptors, 2212_main-700x700.jpg

the silver bullet there in the pic are compression adapters. Put the prop over the threaded part, then the silver bullet, then use a small screw driver or allen wrench thru the hole in the bullet. Hold the prop, tighten with the tool you used in the hole. Tighten until snug, not overly tight. This will cause both parts of bullet to clamp into the plastic of the blade and hold securely.

I have heard of these coming off in flight, so I always check them before a flight to ensure they are still tight. I have not had one come loose yet. Hope this helps.


New member
i use the suppo's on my builds as well, i have had no issues but i have heard of these type of adapters having small burr's left causing them not to tighten well. check the slots on the bottom and make sure the slots are clean.

other than that make sure they are tight enough.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Rule of thumb -- for collet adapters, if you can still twist the prop adapter on the shaft, it's not tight enough.

Typically I'll use a piece of landing gear wire or flag wire in the hole in the top of the prop -- I've bent and broken too many screwdrivers tightening these things up.


New member
Taking some light sand paper to the shaft to scuff it up can also help the collet or prop saver grab a little better but you really need to have the right size adapter otherwise it is going to be out of balance.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member

Don't sand the shaft!!!!

scratches in the shaft reduce the surface the collet is holding onto. You need as MUCH surface as you can get and roughing it up will hurt far more than it will help.