Hey there Mr Matt, You have 2 options here.You could either pay more in the short run (as props would break and over time more would be needed and so on and may fail/ break and crash.)and buy new motors or you could get stronger props.I assume u were using weak props?I suggest that u either go for hard plastic props that wont flex or maybe Carbon fibre props.However using a cheap plastic prop i did explode 2.Bangood sells some good quality props as well.also the size of the motor wont really make a differnce.2212 is just how big it is not how powerfull it is.A less powerfull/low speed spinning motor would have a low kv.On my 450 quad i use the sunnysky 950 kv motors and they are perfect.The size does not neccescarily matter it is only the weight that changes with size.However if u are looking for a more long term solution that will save you moe in the long run buy new motors.They will certainly make u feel more comfortable in the air knowing that the props wont blast midair.My favourite brand in this sized motors is sunnskys.They are epic and decently priced.It your choice on the type on investment you do now.Props are much cheaper but in the long run may cause complications if they cant handle the motor as well and may break mid air.A motor is a safer option and is better and cheaper in the long run.personally i would choose buying motors as i would be too scared to fly with the same motor which blasted props ahahahah,no matter what prop i use.The motors below are perfect for your application.The first one is the one to buy.If u want more thrust the second one is also okay.This would mean u get a higher payload (capacity to carry) so u could add a gimbal and camera.The motors suggested below are both cheaper tha emax and most other brands but perform far better.
If u want superb good quality motors maybe try lower kv ones-The below 2 are the ones i loved and used on my models they are original,cheaper and the best performing i have seen.
on the 330 quad this is really recomended and is my personal favourite.It performs excellenty on a 804X prop.it is also lower kv than yours. and is the original sunnysky cant stress enough how good they are this is a single motor so remember to buy 4 of them aahahaahaha
Here is the low kv motor i use on my 450 quad-They are epic and my absolute favourite.this is a set of 4
Below are some props i used for my 350 size frame i had.U can go max 8 inch props on most frames due to the size of the frame.
This one is very very strong and quite light.The reviews are also excellent and i had no explosions.
this one seems as strong and is light and is cheaper.Never used theese but the reviews are good-
Theese 2 options are my favourite and the best i could find.However u can always just search up the prop size u want and and see the reviews for cheaper altenatives.Try go for gemfans or dys as they are well known.
The reason your props exploded is that they were weak and could not handle the higher kv on your motors.therfore the burst as there was too much force acting on the blades pulling them outwards (centrigugal force).Therfore stronger props would be able to resist this force better.
I do suggest that u buy a lot of theese props maybe 10-20 pairs maybe more as they are cheap and good.Also buying in bulk would be cheaper as shipping is a one time thing.However if u want to try the props first definately buy only 4-6 pairs.
Ps pls correct if i am wrong in my explanations, any of the more experinced members would probably spot some errors maybe so pls correct me.Thanks