Radio setups


Junior Member
I seem to remember in one of the shows they were going to start a database or something of radio setups for the different FT models. Is there any word on that?
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Radio setup is all 100% up to the individual, I know guys who play with 70% expo on 3d planes and guys who fly with zero... it depends on the servo arms you use, what servos, and how big the control surfaces are...


Yea, I've found expo and dual rates are very personal. And something that you just sort of get a feel for. I almost always start flying a new plane with DR and expo at 30% and 70% (30% expo, 70% throws), and have the DR enabled on the maiden so it's more controllable. But always have expo at 30% and 100% throws when DR is disabled. That way if you don't have enough control once it's launched you can flip them off and bail yourself out. I'm probably about 30% expo on most all of my planes but I do mess around with the throws. Some are 70%, some are 100% depending on the plane.