can't be there as it's mid-week
but I might enlight you with some regulation :
- french equivalent of FAA (DGAC) has some very specific rules when it comes to UAV carrying camera, some overview here : http://www.drone-rc.com/reglementation (sorry in french, but pictures at the end might help).
- about your location, please check details about airways and zone here : http://carte.f-aero.fr/carte-aero-v2/ (to find the location best is to start from Marseilles south-east, and clim up a little bit) :
* there is a totally restricted area south Vinon because of a sensible facility there
* at the west of Vinon there is an airfield practicing aerobatics http://www.manosque-vinon.aero/ (maybe it's your location ?)
* the whole area is reglemented up 7500ft which is ok for RC as the max authorised height is 150m (492ft)
Please note that knowledge is purely "amateur", best is to check with a local pro.
hope that helps and that you'll enjoy your trip
can't be there as it's mid-week
- french equivalent of FAA (DGAC) has some very specific rules when it comes to UAV carrying camera, some overview here : http://www.drone-rc.com/reglementation (sorry in french, but pictures at the end might help).
- about your location, please check details about airways and zone here : http://carte.f-aero.fr/carte-aero-v2/ (to find the location best is to start from Marseilles south-east, and clim up a little bit) :
* there is a totally restricted area south Vinon because of a sensible facility there
* at the west of Vinon there is an airfield practicing aerobatics http://www.manosque-vinon.aero/ (maybe it's your location ?)
* the whole area is reglemented up 7500ft which is ok for RC as the max authorised height is 150m (492ft)
Please note that knowledge is purely "amateur", best is to check with a local pro.
hope that helps and that you'll enjoy your trip