Aurora rc d1306 3100 KV 4S motor specs volts, amps, prop size, thrust.
I cannot find manufacture specs for this. It says 7.9 amps max, 12g weight, 3-4 inch prop.
The amps sound rather low. free speed is 51,770. (calc)
I would expect 25,000 static with a 3 inch prop.
If it has a 5 inch pitch, that is 52 m/s.
A = 4.5 x 10^-3 m2
T = 2x dens x V^2 x A = 30 N or 3 kgf
Watts = TV = 1560
and amps = 1560/16.7 = 93 A without considering losses!
I wouldn''t really expect more than 30-odd amps from such a small motor, so revs must be much lower.
Even the 2805.6 motor with the 9 inch prop only used 54 A, 866W , and made 2 kg thrust!
What do you think? do I need to go up to a bigger frame size to get to 15 amps?
I want about 300g thrust.
How about a 2200 series? they are much heavier at 29.3 g
for a 2207.5 1922 KV Hyperlite HV edition.
What is a comparable motor with an available performance spec?
If I want 300g thrust, V = 17 m/s, rpm = 8031, watts = 51, amps = 3!
so is it truly draws 7.9A and is reasonably efficient, it should easily make 300g thrust.
Calculate expected thrust at 15 amps, 60% efficient?? 15 x .6 = 9, watts = 9 x 16.7 = 150
VT = 150, T= 2 den v^2 A, so
V = cu rt(150/2 den A) = 23 m/s
T = 2 den V^2 A = 5.7 N = 570 g thrust....
I cannot find manufacture specs for this. It says 7.9 amps max, 12g weight, 3-4 inch prop.
The amps sound rather low. free speed is 51,770. (calc)
I would expect 25,000 static with a 3 inch prop.
If it has a 5 inch pitch, that is 52 m/s.
A = 4.5 x 10^-3 m2
T = 2x dens x V^2 x A = 30 N or 3 kgf
Watts = TV = 1560
and amps = 1560/16.7 = 93 A without considering losses!
I wouldn''t really expect more than 30-odd amps from such a small motor, so revs must be much lower.
Even the 2805.6 motor with the 9 inch prop only used 54 A, 866W , and made 2 kg thrust!
What do you think? do I need to go up to a bigger frame size to get to 15 amps?
I want about 300g thrust.
How about a 2200 series? they are much heavier at 29.3 g
for a 2207.5 1922 KV Hyperlite HV edition.
What is a comparable motor with an available performance spec?
If I want 300g thrust, V = 17 m/s, rpm = 8031, watts = 51, amps = 3!
so is it truly draws 7.9A and is reasonably efficient, it should easily make 300g thrust.
Calculate expected thrust at 15 amps, 60% efficient?? 15 x .6 = 9, watts = 9 x 16.7 = 150
VT = 150, T= 2 den v^2 A, so
V = cu rt(150/2 den A) = 23 m/s
T = 2 den V^2 A = 5.7 N = 570 g thrust....
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