Help! Safe select


New member
I installed a AR636A receiver in the Jenny XL with safe select when in as3x mode all control surfaces are working normal but when in safe mode I pick the airplane up and tilt it left the left aileron goes up instead of counter acting to the right so its doing the opposite of what it is supposed to do. Any help would be appreciated .


Techno Nut
Are you running 1 servo wire with a splitter, or servo wires direct to seperate receiver ports?

Sounds like you corrected for the aileron direction in the radio but need to modify the settings in the 636. If you have 2 seperate wires into the RX, just switch them and then reverse the the throw setting for both channels in your radio.

If you have a single RX channel for the ailerons with a y cable, you will need to use forward programming or a Spektrum usb programming cable and their pc app to fix the aileron direction in the 636.



New member
Are you running 1 servo wire with a splitter, or servo wires direct to seperate receiver ports?

Sounds like you corrected for the aileron direction in the radio but need to modify the settings in the 636. If you have 2 seperate wires into the RX, just switch them and then reverse the the throw setting for both channels in your radio.

If you have a single RX channel for the ailerons with a y cable, you will need to use forward programming or a Spektrum usb programming cable and their pc app to fix the aileron direction in the 636.

I am running a y cable for the ailerons.The receiver was originally in the timber 1.5 which was set up using a y cable and worked fine with safe select. I'll try using separate cables as you suggested thank you


...Any help would be appreciated .
I agree with LB.
An alternative to reprogram the AR, use the old school approach. Change the servo horns to the other side of the servo. Depending on how the servos are installed, you may need to roll the servos over, 180 degrees.

If you reprogram or change the servo horns you will need to reverse servo direction in the Tx.


Techno Nut
The 636 would STILL need to be programmed to know you have 2 aileron channels unless the timber had individual servo channels. Otherwise, the safe still will not work. None of the other gyro modes will work properly either. You should really look into getting the Spektrum programming cable.

Merv's idea of flipping the servos would work also.