Simple Cub Flight #4


Active member
This is flight number 4 of the Simple Cub, configured in 3 channel mode (elevator and rudder) with a FrSky S6R receiver. My son and I are still new to the hobby, with most of our flight time on the FT Airliner. Updates since last time follow.

I finally spent the time required to learn about our TX / RX combination:
The S6R configuration, calibration, and final setup was a significant hurdle. I'm still unsure about how often the "self-check" is required. We also discovered that the RX wouldn't work until a full calibration was completed.

Major achievements:
  • velcro worked well for keeping the S6R in place, and correctly oriented for stabilization
  • used sub-trim and range adjustments in our model to make gross adjustments in server / control surface configuration
  • flying with stabilization ON and gain set to 50% seemed to work and allow for high-performance flying (even though I wasn't ready for that)
  • this airplane flew really well even after the damage in the attached photo
  • compared to the FT Airliner this airplane is a rocket!
Lessons learned:
  • flying a 3-channel aircraft (no ailerons) is incredibly hard (for me) with the rudder on the left, based on some feedback from FT Forums, I'll move the rudder controls to the right side
  • find a larger field without any concrete or buildings nearby: we crashed 2x on asphalt and 2x on a roof!
  • operate at 50% throttle for now, at 100% this airplane is too fast for my slow reflexes
  • simulator time was a big help, except all of that time was spent "flying" with ailerons...
  • this is an addictive hobby
I'll be ordering more props from APC Propellers at!


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VP of SPAM killing
This is flight number 4 of the Simple Cub, configured in 3 channel mode (elevator and rudder) with a FrSky S6R receiver. My son and I are still new to the hobby, with most of our flight time on the FT Airliner. Updates since last time follow.

I finally spent the time required to learn about our TX / RX combination:
The S6R configuration, calibration, and final setup was a significant hurdle. I'm still unsure about how often the "self-check" is required. We also discovered that the RX wouldn't work until a full calibration was completed.

Major achievements:
  • velcro worked well for keeping the S6R in place, and correctly oriented for stabilization
  • used sub-trim and range adjustments in our model to make gross adjustments in server / control surface configuration
  • flying with stabilization ON and gain set to 50% seemed to work and allow for high-performance flying (even though I wasn't ready for that)
  • this airplane flew really well even after the damage in the attached photo
  • compared to the FT Airliner this airplane is a rocket!
Lessons learned:
  • flying a 3-channel aircraft (no ailerons) is incredibly hard (for me) with the rudder on the left, based on some feedback from FT Forums, I'll move the rudder controls to the right side
  • find a larger field without any concrete or buildings nearby: we crashed 2x on asphalt and 2x on a roof!
  • operate at 50% throttle for now, at 100% this airplane is too fast for my slow reflexes
  • simulator time was a big help, except all of that time was spent "flying" with ailerons...
  • this is an addictive hobby
I'll be ordering more props from APC Propellers at!
That's what my first Cub looked like too! Hang in there, it's a harmless addiction. If you want a gentle flier that's just cool to look at try the DR1. It looks tricky but actually very docile.


Active member
improper setup. The controls got mixed up. So all wrong. throttle went Kaput probably. Was this the same kit from Flite Test Store? I had the same problem with learning the pc that was way back in the 1981s. But once i got the hang of computer programming, these applications was nothing to it. Too easy. 3 servos. Okay. You should have connected the elevator with 2 pushrods, connecting this to one servo. ( mechanical issue. ) Servo being in port 1 or 2. Then 1st servo on the port 1 or 2. Which ever is unoccupied. Rudder servo. That is it. This is a two servo airplane. Connect the battery port. Throttle on lowest level. Normal position. Then test it. Like they told you too. Just like this....


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Active member
That's okay. I mean you want to start now, and test your airplane and be a model airplane builder/flier. In there with the club. I have some knowledge in computers and also electronics. So this takes me some ways in knowing the hobby of model airplane building. The Controls come in the range of AFHDS 2.4 Ghz. 2.4 giga herts. Or 2.4 billion hertz/second. That would be the radio frequency the box is on. If you follow my method it may take awhile to fire it up, but in the end, nothing to model airplane flying.

I like it anyway. The hobby. It's fun for me. Building a model airplane. Mines is a skymaster. Really second build, but first try. First Flight. Non-sense again. These products come ready. Really fun stuff. I'm keeping my model after it flies. Hanging it on the wall.
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Elite member
That's okay. I mean you want to start now, and test your airplane and be a model airplane builder/flier. In there with the club. I have some knowledge in computers and also electronics. So this takes me some ways in knowing the hobby of model airplane building. The Controls come in the range of AFHDS 2.4 Ghz. 2.4 giga herts. Or 2.4 billion hertz/second. That would be the radio frequency the box is on.
can't wait to see your first flying video o_O


Active member
Last update on the Simple Cub. We managed to keep it in the air long enough to completely destroy it, but thankfully after some serious (accidental) aerobatics! Going to salvage the electronics and put into our new FT Tutor.

We are now well into the hobby with a Tiny Trainer and DR1 that seemed to have made it through our early learning mayhem. New thread on those soon.


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Elite member
bummer! mine looked like that. just finished rebuilding it, but they never seem to fly the same as new.


Active member
Yeah, it was a little sad. We rebuilt / flew about 5 times, each time was a catastrophic wreck. This was too much plane / power for us at that time.