Hi guys, I think you guys have put together something really special and think you guys should consider expanding into the northeast. As someone who was basically priced out of the hobby as a child, as well as not having anyone to show me the basic knowledge and skills necessary I have a vested interest in seeing this hobby spread because it is so darn fun and can be relatively cheap. Plus I'd like to enjoy this hobby with others with the same passion. Anyways, here in Boston and new england in general you have a large and basically untapped market that I think is ripe to consider expanding into. Even if you were to come for just a day I think the repercussions would be positive and far reaching and I would be more than willing to help point you guys in the right direction or be a part of the process. I'm not looking for a job or a handout, I just want this hobby to spread and expand and for it to become enjoyable for all.