Old and Bold RC PILOT
How many times have you had issues with FB losing its rigidity and had to resort to adding skewers or CF rods to a design to allow it to fly without it flapping it wings? I have had a few such planes.
Recently I wanted to investigate Autogyros and as part of that investigation I wanted to see what I could do to make the rotor blades out of FB only without complex and difficult reinforcements.
Through a fair bit of T&E, (Trial and Error), I ended up with a blade that would support the 'Gyro in the air without such reinforcements. The technique was and is so very simple I just paint the FB in glue. Whilst a number of different glues work well the best cost/stiffness results have been achieved using white glue.
The rigidity of the FB is increased so much that I have built a FB version of the "Otto Vs Eddie" biplane design using slab wing construction and even though I have crashed it many times for many reasons the wings have never torn or broken. The struts have been torn out and the fuselage split but the wings are still as I first built them, (with a few LE dents of course).
Just a tip for those who see their FB starting to warp and sag on their favourite plane!:black_eyed:
Recently I wanted to investigate Autogyros and as part of that investigation I wanted to see what I could do to make the rotor blades out of FB only without complex and difficult reinforcements.
Through a fair bit of T&E, (Trial and Error), I ended up with a blade that would support the 'Gyro in the air without such reinforcements. The technique was and is so very simple I just paint the FB in glue. Whilst a number of different glues work well the best cost/stiffness results have been achieved using white glue.
The rigidity of the FB is increased so much that I have built a FB version of the "Otto Vs Eddie" biplane design using slab wing construction and even though I have crashed it many times for many reasons the wings have never torn or broken. The struts have been torn out and the fuselage split but the wings are still as I first built them, (with a few LE dents of course).
Just a tip for those who see their FB starting to warp and sag on their favourite plane!:black_eyed: