Super size plans - how?


I saw the latest Flite Test YT video where the DR1 plane was super sized. Josh mentions that we can do it ourselves, but how does one go about it?

I want a super sized SE5, so the Full Size plans were downloaded. Since I don't own a printer I will need to take them to a printing service. So do I take them to Staples and say I need them 200% bigger (as Josh mentions in the video)? Is there something else I need to tell them?

I understand I will have to still modify the templates to account for foamboard thickness, design a new motor mount and I am sure some other stuff.

Any help, as always, is very much appreciated!


Master member
If also helps if the place has a way to make really large signs, preferrable to what we used to call "F" paper. 24 x 36" or roll which starts as 36 wide. Otherwise they also have to calculate and tile and edges are notoriously odd on tiled.