Tiny Trainer on Steroids!


Active member
how hard is it to get international orders into Israel? or what about someone else buying and shipping stuff over as a 'gift'?

I'm not sure that would be the right pack. I wouldn't want a dwarf TT using motor differential to fly, I'd want it to be a proper 3 or 4 channels.
You could use the 3 channel pack and just put a bit of dihedral in the wing. I built a b-17 with that power pack and it worked.


Well-known member
You could use the 3 channel pack and just put a bit of dihedral in the wing. I built a b-17 with that power pack and it worked.

3 channel is not in stock and when I asked about it earlier, Jen replied saying there was no ETA for when they'd have the 3 channel available again. I was advised to buy the Jetliner pack as it comes with the 3 channel controller, not the 2 like all the rest.


Active member
3 channel is not in stock and when I asked about it earlier, Jen replied saying there was no ETA for when they'd have the 3 channel available again. I was advised to buy the Jetliner pack as it comes with the 3 channel controller, not the 2 like all the rest.
That sucks. I was going to get a few for my b-17 project:(


Legendary member
how hard is it to get international orders into Israel? or what about someone else buying and shipping stuff over as a 'gift'?

I'm not sure that would be the right pack. I wouldn't want a dwarf TT using motor differential to fly, I'd want it to be a proper 3 or 4 channels.
I tried scaling it down once but it didn’t work all that well with the motor I had.

As for shipping don’t know how expensive it is but figure it is.


Active member
I tried scaling it down once but it didn’t work all that well with the motor I had.

As for shipping don’t know how expensive it is but figure it is.
I have a sport cub s that’s crashed one too many times but the electronics are still good. The mini scout was designed for those electronics and if you print out the plans for it, the smaller scout is still in the plans. I might be able to scale the plans for the same motor setup.


Legendary member
I’ll look for some pics of the scaled down TT I built and post them tomorrow if I find them :). Their actually probably posted on my second part of my journey diary thread. Will link to them when I find them.


Well-known member
I’ll look for some pics of the scaled down TT I built and post them tomorrow if I find them :). Their actually probably posted on my second part of my journey diary thread. Will link to them when I find them.

there are a lot of similar looking planes with plans out there...so you may be able to easily adapt one of them to suit.

how small are you thinking of going? say...the wingspan you're going to target?


Legendary member
I’ve been flying this model for quite some time now and I’ve really enjoyed it. This size of a model flies really slow at least the tiny Trainer at this size does, with the motor and prop setup I have on. A C3542 920KV 2-4S 6mm Outrunner Brushless Motor with a 12x6 or 11x6 prop depending on the battery setup. The model isn’t very maneuverable and I think it’s mainly because the control surfaces are fairly small for the size of the model. I have considered enlarging them just to see if it would perform better aerobatic wise, but had other plans for the model before that. The model was built to use the piggyback mechanism from flite test to tow other planes into the air. The goal was to allow my kids to enjoy gliding planes down to the ground. I never really managed to get to my kids to come and try it out but a few days ago a friend of mine did. My friend who is gliding the towed plane down to the ground had zero experience in flying. For safety precautions the plane that he was gliding down to the ground had no motor and we also declared a line that nobody could cross allowing us to land safely in the field. With all that happening I will probably leave the model as is for now and not make any changes to the control surfaces just because I would like to get more people give this a try. Here are some more pictures of the model, videos soon to come.



Legendary member
Unfortunately today this plane has been decommissioned ;(. It took off just fine and when I came in for a low pass across the runway I lost complete elevator authority. The plane which came in at a considerably high speed hit the ground so hard that it bounced 4-5 meters back into the air. Just to skip over a bunch of bushes, a car and some trees. If things couldn’t have gone any more wrong it was at that point that the wings decided to clap and the plane started spinning towards the ground… but wait then something else happened the wings suddenly reopened and the plane was able to sort of level itself out and glide down on the other side. Unfortunately I don’t have it on film and the hit was just so hard that it took apart the entire front of the plane.



Any how this plane has seen some fixes and considering the damage I will not fix it and will just replace it which something new, or maybe not!? After all it’s a tiny trainer :).

What do you say?


Site Moderator
Unfortunately today this plane has been decommissioned ;(. It took off just fine and when I came in for a low pass across the runway I lost complete elevator authority. The plane which came in at a considerably high speed hit the ground so hard that it bounced 4-5 meters back into the air. Just to skip over a bunch of bushes, a car and some trees. If things couldn’t have gone any more wrong it was at that point that the wings decided to clap and the plane started spinning towards the ground… but wait then something else happened the wings suddenly reopened and the plane was able to sort of level itself out and glide down on the other side. Unfortunately I don’t have it on film and the hit was just so hard that it took apart the entire front of the plane.

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Any how this plane has seen some fixes and considering the damage I will not fix it and will just replace it which something new, or maybe not!? After all it’s a tiny trainer :).

What do you say?
That is a very thorough rapid unintended disassembly!