Tiny trainer weight


The specs for the Tiny Trainer state that the weight is 6.8 oz (193 g) fully assembled without battery.

Does anyone know if this weight is with or without the Power Pack A installed?

Also does anyone know the weight of sheet of FliteTest foam board?

I am starting a scratch build and I want to see how close I can come to a Josh Bixler build!


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the Tiny Trainers I have built clocked in under 250g for the 3 channel powered wing with a 650mAh 2S battery, but 4 channel powered wing with a 650mAH 3S battery went over by 20-30g.

The TT should really have 4 'dry' weights as it can be built as the following:
  • 2 channel glider
  • 3 channel glider
  • 3 channel powered
  • 4 channel powered
Each which is using a different set of parts, so different dry weights.
Beware that if you get it light it is likely that it will be nose heavy (might always be the case, I've only built one). I had to tear the servos out (originally put them in the recommended position) and put them as far back as I could reach with a screw driver to avoid having to put the receiver and battery on top of each other underneath the wing.

Some people put them in the tail to get shorter linkages but apparently that makes the tail weaker to a point where it wilk break in bad landings.


Mine was 248 g flight ready with a 800mAh battery and the aileron wing. With that setup I could get 8 min of calm flying.

Thanks for the reply. My first build was almost twice that weight. Way too much glue and I had thought that it would be a good idea to add some 3d printed parts. No wonder I never got it too fly.