I was lazy/cheap with my electrohub tricopter build using the 13-370 tilt (old style non-tough tilt) running with the Flip 1.5 (old MultiWii predecessor to Naze32/base/cleanflight) and am running it with all counter-clockwise props / motors because I didn't want to try and find a CW prop nut/adapter nor buy lots of CW 9x4 props. I had a ton of 9x4 CCW props for fixed wing use, so I'm happy to just use those... Of course, my tilt/tail motor has a neutral built-in tilt of between 5-10 degrees, but it hovers hands off in ACRO mode!
Of course, I'm just learning so no aggressive flying yet. Once I get the tough tilt, I'll replace the existing tilt and will try more aggressive flying.
Of course, I'm just learning so no aggressive flying yet. Once I get the tough tilt, I'll replace the existing tilt and will try more aggressive flying.